Sun 5 Jul 2015 2:04PM
Aim 13: We reject the current domination of the ELT industry by publishers, examination boards, and national organisations...
We reject the current domination of the ELT industry by publishers, examination boards, and national organisations such as the British Council, IATEFL and TESOL.

Helen Waldron Sat 11 Jul 2015 1:55PM
Agree with Blair. I also question the usefulness of negative aims.

Paul Walsh Sat 11 Jul 2015 4:39PM
Agreed. Negative aims might not be very productive at the start.
Blair Matthews · Wed 8 Jul 2015 11:44AM
I personally reject them, but I don't think its useful or helpful for TAWSIG to reject them. They exist - at some point we may need to have dialogue with them if we want to achieve our other aims.