Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Can we have a subgroup for these? I'm publishing the proposed agenda for Our April 20th Board Meeting here in the meantime
OSMUK Board Meeting Agenda 20 April 2017
3.Appoint Chair for the meeting
4.Minutes of the previous meeting
5.Matters Arising
Bank Account Progress -Rob
OSMF Affiliation - Rob
Standing Orders - Brian
Domains - Rob
Website- Greg (sitemap)
Logo - Rob
Welsh/UK rendering - Adam
Case Studies - Brian/Greg
Apps- Adam
6. Membership Report - Greg
7. Financial Report - Jon
8. Highways England - Brian
9. Media Report -Brian
9. AOB
RobJN Thu 20 Apr 2017 7:25PM
@brianprangle Number 24 needs changing to align with our AoA. That states that "quorum for Directors’ meetings may be fixed from time to time by a decision of
the Directors, but it must never be less than three, and unless otherwise fixed it is
It it stands that is >50% but probably easier to just say "quorum is set according to our AoA and is currently 3".
Brian Prangle · Thu 20 Apr 2017 5:52PM
Draft OSMUK Board Rules of Order April 2017
Adapted from OSMF text