Whats new in 2.0? Discuss your favourite features here.
There is so much new stuff in 2.0, and we need to tell the world about it. The first thing to do is put together a (probably long) page with a big list of headings + short paragraphs and screenshots per each noteworthy feature, then we can use that as a guide for making a video if we want.
I'm asking the team to post comments with screenshots of features they think are worth mentioning to build a starting place for such a page.
The paste and drag and drop features are all fixed now so It should be fun and easy.
john gieryn Wed 13 May 2020 10:25PM
Newest First + Nested
was the setting of this thread :)
Robert Guthrie Wed 13 May 2020 10:12PM
nice! so flat list and newest first? (I'll update this thread to be newest first too)
john gieryn Wed 13 May 2020 10:09PM
Loving Newest first for the case where I have a complicated poll (each option including a lot of text). Newest first means that I'm not trying to find where the votes end, and other comments begin (cos i know they'd appear above the poll)
Robert Guthrie Fri 6 Sep 2019 6:08AM
Great to hear that design change is working for you. Thanks for sharing.
Alex Worrad-Andrews Fri 6 Sep 2019 6:06AM
Really love the fact that Comment and Facilitate are really "in my face" in this main comment form.
It really makes the differences of Loomio from other software transparent to me.
Joachim Jacob Tue 3 Sep 2019 8:48AM
Feature: allow deleting outstanding invitations in bulk. BG: we by default invite all members of our cooperative. After a while a lot of pending invitations are still open. Allow by notching them to bulk delete invitations.
Danyl Strype Sun 4 Aug 2019 12:54AM
I'm trying out the beta on mobile. Obviously it will improve as features are added and bugs fixed, but so far the mobile browser experience is pretty good.
Robert Guthrie Tue 23 Jul 2019 8:56PM
I love the edit history viewer!
It highlights what was added or removed across in a discussion context, proposal, vote or comment.
Update: I've removed the GIANT mistake from this comment.
Update #2: I forgot to include a screenshot:
Hrrm. It works but needs some tuning. See what you thimk.. it's a first pass.
Michael Wed 17 Jul 2019 4:47AM
The new right side bar thread navigation is much faster and very easy to navigate to unread, latest comments, decisions/polls and key events that can be marked
john gieryn · Wed 13 May 2020 10:27PM
One thing that's interesting though, that I imagine you've thought over in the past, is that if someone asks a question in a vote, that experience can be a bit funny (I recently had someone on a call saying they wish they could reply to the vote and have it nested nearby)... hard design problem I imagine