Whats new in 2.0? Discuss your favourite features here.
There is so much new stuff in 2.0, and we need to tell the world about it. The first thing to do is put together a (probably long) page with a big list of headings + short paragraphs and screenshots per each noteworthy feature, then we can use that as a guide for making a video if we want.
I'm asking the team to post comments with screenshots of features they think are worth mentioning to build a starting place for such a page.
The paste and drag and drop features are all fixed now so It should be fun and easy.
john gieryn Wed 10 Jul 2019 3:27PM
History of vote reasons making it really clear who has voted and what reason they'd shared before
Robert Guthrie Mon 8 Jul 2019 8:21AM
More flexible polls.💈
You can now choose which options to present to voters on Proposal and Check. I'm also keen to introduce new terms, such as "Objection" or whatever language you use to describe your process.
This means you don't have to offer Block, or abstain, or whatever. It makes it much more suitable for Generative Decision Making and other consent protocols.
You can now choose the minimum and maximum scores, and 0 votes will show up in the results.
Dot vote is now called "Allocate"
IYou have a total number of points to award to the options how you see fit. You allocate your budget to reflect your strategic priorities. Does that make sense to others?
We've also adopted sliders as the input system for voting. I'm interested to hear how this lands for people, specifically if there is any strong call for a return of numeric input fields.
Time poll
Lots of new features here..
It's way easier to multiple times to a time poll. You can chose any time you like, and you'll even get a timezone conversion table as you select potential options. The table is sorted by the most popular timezones of people in your groups. Scroll it up to see more.
Time poll results are now simpler to read too. We'll bring back the counts too.
Well do another round of improvement with calendar integration and improved event emailing and rsvp'ing functions in releases following 2.0
david rayner Thu 5 Sep 2019 9:56PM
make sure you get some sleep...
Robert Guthrie Wed 4 Sep 2019 6:51PM
Oh great to hear. I'll see what I can do about putting a filter on the icon search.
david rayner Wed 4 Sep 2019 10:37AM
i too love new txt editor...gets past the boredom of process that markup could engender in me.
but i also loved the search function for icons...i could type in an appropriate word and lightly bushcrash my way from there to find summat to lighten the mood as opposed to scrolling thru... and thru...till i get bored.
(Rhetorically...why do people need to be assured that the written neutral word is not critical? )
Michael Wed 17 Jul 2019 4:44AM
I love the new text editor ❤️
Robert Guthrie Mon 8 Jul 2019 7:51AM
💻 The new text editor!
Some people think markdown is fine as a solution to formatting text, but for many it does not feel easy or natural. We know that many of our users have wished for easier text formatting functions.
Using TipTap which is built upon the incredible Prosemirror . To me, the level of polish and stability of the editor is something to be very grateful for.
I'm particularly excited to take it to the next level in a post 2.0 release and enable real-time collaborative editing, allowing people to jam on proposals and thread contexts together. This functionality was a design decision of Prosemirror, so it's robust and realtively easy to enabel.
It's also likely possible we introduce a "Pages" feature allowing you to build a library or handbook of your group's processes, agreements, meeting minutes etc. We know that a lot of organisations produce documentation either to support Loomio usage, or as a result of Loomio usage.
Markdown activation of formatting (try typing # then a title, or * then start writing a list)
A toolbar to access most of the features. We may introduce tables support too.
Many more emojis, using native emojis currently, but considering adopting an image set based emoji approach, so that everyone has a good experience.
Drag & drop, copy and paste, inline upload progress, previews of many types of file, and even rearrange images within your text.
nested lists
Checkboxes so you can make lists of todos
and then mark them off when they're done!
re order them by clicking the checkbox and dragging!
A future release will drop the use of modals to edit text, and instead use an inline editor.
Robert Guthrie Mon 8 Jul 2019 7:37AM
I'll just mention things that I've done a good job on over the next few weeks.
We've rebuilt the entire file upload system 💾
It now uses Rail's ActiveStorage which gives us
file previews for images, pdfs, videos and more.
upload progress bars, phew
ability to store in any cloud provider (or multiple) as well as local storage. Direct upload to could without taking up application server resources.
drag and drop, copy and paste or select and upload to attach stuff
inline images with the WYSIWYG editor.
Robert Guthrie Sun 7 Jul 2019 8:33AM
The download size of the new app is about a quarter of the last one, and dropping. Old was around 2mb and this one is around 0.5mb. This means much faster download and startup times. It's likely to get smaller still.
Robert Guthrie Sun 7 Jul 2019 8:32AM
Timeline is going to be finished when you can pin/unpin anything in the thread to it. I think it'll be a game changer.
john gieryn Fri 5 Jul 2019 2:07PM
I love the "[First name] was notified of your reply" pop-up
Michael Tue 2 Jul 2019 9:20PM
I love the easy way to add links to text:
john gieryn · Wed 10 Jul 2019 4:24PM
The new thread navigation bar makes it easy to quickly access important moments in a thread's history, the latest or unread comments, and more