Ideas (proto-proposals)

I start a discussion
… and choose a title and write a first comment (I've ditched the context panel). I could have also inserted a picture here. Then I press 'Start discussion' (or Done, which Safari on the iPhone provides)
Other people add some comments. I've flipped the discussion order, so new comments get added at the bottom. When you land on a discussion, the top comment is the first one you haven't yet had a chance to read. 'Show earlier comments' does what it says. Now I've had an idea for a possible solution, I'll click 'New idea':
... and write it up:
Ideas show up at the top of the discussion. There can be more than one at once. People can indicate their support for the idea. You may have to swipe down a little into the comments section before you see the commenting ('Say something...') box.
... or they can support more than one idea:
Clicking an idea lets you read the detail, and from their you can add your support, or turn the idea into a proposal. It might be good to require say two supporters (a bit like seconders in Robert's Rules) before an idea can be elevated into a proposal. I'll click 'Promote to proposal' now
... which fills in the idea details into a new proposal form. I may want to flesh out the idea, or edit a little for clarity at this point.
The current proposal lives at the top of the page. You can still have only one proposal at a time, but people can continue to add & support ideas. At times one of the other ideas might be obviously much more popular than the current proposal. Perhaps the proposer will get the hint and close it early?
Click on a proposal to get the full detail, and to state your position on it.
An attempt at mobile-first design.

Simon Tegg Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:04AM
Ooooh, likey likey

Matthew Bartlett Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:07AM
I feel like this is barely comprehensible in this format. Perhaps I'll record an explanatory screencast.
Richard D. Bartlett Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:13AM
Can you tell me more about the bar with the "Prev/Next Done" buttons above the keyboard? I'm not familiar enough with mobile to know if that is a native thing or a web thing.
Richard D. Bartlett Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:13AM
@matthewbartlett it might be more comprehensible an imgur album with captions

Matthew Bartlett Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:33AM
@richarddbartlett native Safari browser stuff. 'Done' submits the form
Richard D. Bartlett Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:39AM
Oh is 'Prev/Next' just standard browser navigation? I misunderstood it as being a way to cycle through multiple Ideas.

Jon Lemmon Thu 22 Aug 2013 6:09AM

Matthew Bartlett Thu 22 Aug 2013 7:55AM
@richarddbartlett Yeah it's Safari's standard navigation for forms. I've added captions now.
Sophie Jerram Thu 22 Aug 2013 9:27AM
Richard D. Bartlett · Thu 22 Aug 2013 5:04AM