Wed 16 May 2018 4:16PM

Find new Email Hosting Service

K Kay Public Seen by 329

Tension: Zoho mail wants us to pay for additional users (2-3 USD per User per Month) which is not very scalable and expensive in the long run.

Proposal: We need another solution that enables us cheaper scaling and ideally settle for a service we can use for a long time. We have talked about this for a while - I like @vojtechsimetka 's proposal best to just sign with a web-hosting service that offers unlimited accounts. Like this service

Another suggestion and notable technology is apparently running on Ethereum and IPFS - have a look at Melon Email


Griff Green Thu 17 May 2018 3:32PM

I'm happy to go with whatever you think is best Kay, I guess this proposal is more about crowd sourcing solutions?


Kay Thu 17 May 2018 3:37PM

Yes - also the change affects everybody and in proper advisory process fashion, I want to harvest some sentiment. It affects even more the DApp developers and people working on backend services that need its own email setup - like sanstorm for example.


Alon Bukai Fri 18 May 2018 4:01AM

From looking at melon mail and reading the Readme for the project it seems it isn't email but a different kind of message platform. I don't think it will be usable for emails


Satya Fri 18 May 2018 9:18AM

I think the tension is really funny, we have so much money that we can rent castles, but we can't afford $2-3 per user. Discussing this almost wastes more time and money than paying for it.

And FYI - from the Zoho pricing page:
We offer a 20% percent discount (approximate) if you choose annual billing. Also if you're a non-profit or a charitable organisation, we have special pricing for you. To know your discount, please contact us at [email protected].

Also you could think about this differently:
Google is evil, Zoho is better. Lets support Zoho to fight Google and make the world a better place. Right in line with our mission!

If you decide to switch, there might be people who want a decent web interface. That's why we switched from gmail to zoho, to provide that. Not sure if people actually use it.

But I would not go for a crowdsourced solutions very easily, email deliverability is a hard problem and that needs good infrastructure and monitoring - which means it needs money.

Last question:
How many email addresses do we really need?


Kay Fri 15 Jun 2018 6:39PM

I want to close this up with what I think is a good solution. Many people are using @giveth.io email is using the address to forward to another email address they have. It took me a while to realize that zoho is counting forwarding addresses within their limit. But our DNS service gandi is offering unlimited forwarding addresses.


As an effect, we will switch everybody who has set a forwarding address back to gandi, this will open up some email slots. This effects RJ , Quazia, lindsay, yalor.

Furthermore we will start to switch people who have 0% on their inboxes to forwarding after one warning. This effects Oz, Alan, Joana, Kirch, Grace, Jen, Eduardo, Xavi, Alex, Psdev, Cleo, Dapplion, Bowen, Lanski

If you are on this list and want to use the zoho inbox or be able to send from your email address - NO PROBLEM! - Just drop me a line. We just want to make sure people are really using their email addresses as the ones with Inbox will cost us monthly at some point.

EDIT: This was a little premature - it is certainly possible and kinda works, but needs some troubleshooting still.