Organising the bar
This should be fairly straightforward. We will use the sluten sällskap rules which let us basically buy booze from systemet and sell it as long as it to people who are on a limited list. This would be anyone living in a Järla Sjö brf, plus their guests (who will need to be reported to us). I am happy to book the booze (unless someone else wants to do that?) but we need someone with a vehicle to fetch it. Volunteers? Anyone want to organise the bar-rota? Sandra? One thing we are not short of is volunteers to man the bar?
Sandra von Hutj Mon 1 Dec 2014 4:18PM
Du och jag kan göra det mor :)
Do we know when the electricity can be turned on? We must ensure that all beverages have time to cool .
Malena von Huth Mon 1 Dec 2014 9:54PM
Ben säger att elen ska funka
måndag 1 december 2014 skrev Sandra von Hutj (Loomio) :
Du och jag kan göra det mor :)
Do we know when the electricity can be turned on? We must ensure that all beverages have time to cool .
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Ben Kenward Tue 2 Dec 2014 8:09AM
Jag tror att Bengt hinner fixa elen långt innan, det kommer inte vara sista stund. Och det var en del olika kylapparat kvar, det är inte säkert att alla funkar men jag blir väldigt överraskad om inte minst en funkar.
Jag kan också hjälpa till att hämta och bära från systemet.
Ken Wed 17 Dec 2014 2:56PM
One thing - Do we have a way to take money from cards? If not we have to tell people to bring money
Ben Kenward Wed 17 Dec 2014 3:05PM
No we don't take cards but it says on the poster we have sent out please remember to bring cash!
Ken Fri 19 Dec 2014 7:42AM
Regarding cash - there needs to be enough chage (coins and small notes). I guess many people will have large notes.
Maybe we could mai out tha people should bring change that they have -that may help.
Malena von Huth · Mon 1 Dec 2014 2:19PM
I have a car but I need someone to help me carry the booze.