Wed 19 Feb 2020 10:36AM

Public Liability Insurance

G Giggletits Public Seen by 83


This year, theme camps (& only theme camps) are required to have PLI. Here is the thread for recommendations and helpful info


Giggletits Wed 19 Feb 2020 10:39AM

An affordable option is to subscribe to an artist's membership by Hisvox, which offers free £5million PLI for £25 a year fee



Kay Holford Wed 19 Feb 2020 12:09PM

so, each individual camp/ art project has to have individual insurance, rather than a bulk cover? Dayum. That's a big consideration, and that info needs to be disseminated pronto


Giggletits Wed 19 Feb 2020 3:13PM

I think it comes up in instruction page for any application, be it theme camp or art installation.

However I'm the type that reads the small print 🤣 I agree it needs to be announced a little bit louder and who affected needs to be made clear.


Kay Holford Wed 19 Feb 2020 3:18PM

yes, I'm not running a camp this year but this needs amplifying for sure. Who is Comms Lead this year? I have an inking it's not Lou Lou and someone from MoJo?


Charlotte Davis Thu 27 Feb 2020 8:00PM

-deleted because of incorrect info: see below-


Hilda Breakspear Fri 28 Feb 2020 12:10PM

I'd still like some clarification please. I see that you have added to the Art Grants page the following:

Public Liability Insurance: This year, you MUST have public liability insurance for your art piece.

However, there is no explanation as to why this is required by the individual artists and isn't covered by Nest's own Public Liability insurance. I could understand re risky activities such as fire or suspensions, where the event's main insurance might not cover the activity, but do not understand this. An explanation would be welcome as this is different to my understanding of the requirements of most other burns.

Also, the rumour is going around that registered theme camps requite public liability insurance. Please can you confirm if this is the case, and if so why? There is nothing on the web page for Theme camps about this at present.

Thank you.


Charlotte Davis Fri 28 Feb 2020 1:13PM

-beep beep more incorrect info, please see Sam's post below-


Corinne Hitching Fri 28 Feb 2020 1:36PM

Hey @Charlotte Davis , none of us are aware that you’re waiting on something. What do you need from us? Also artists aren’t technically outside contractors or stalls so I’m not convinced it’s something we need for artists. Can someone shed some more light specifically for artists or art projects?


Mas Egroeg Fri 28 Feb 2020 3:05PM

I’ve replied below. This in no way applies to artists or art. Just camps bringing their own structures.


Corinne Hitching Sun 23 Feb 2020 2:48PM

We don’t mention anything in the applications about insurance. Is this a must? Not covered by the events insurance? Should the additional fee be included in the grant itself?

Is it a legal must have or a recommended should have?

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