Thu 1 Oct 2020 11:12PM

We are now partnered with the CDL and hosted on the Janeway preprint platform.

BC Bruce Caron Public Seen by 102

Please distribute this press release widely, and sign up for a new account at eartharxiv.org . https://osc.universityofcalifornia.edu/2020/10/eartharxiv-preprint-server-re-launches/


Zheng Fri 2 Oct 2020 12:16AM

Thank you, Bruce. Already registered and wait for the approval.


Pablo Ampuero Fri 2 Oct 2020 10:10AM

I registered but my previous preprints do not appear in my dashboard. Is that the normal behavior or did I miss a step? I couldn't find a "help" button either.
More importantly: I found no link to the moderation policy in the first page of preprint submission. One requirement that was often missed and caused rejections is to "clearly state that this is a non-peer reviewed preprint".


Bruce Caron Fri 2 Oct 2020 1:48PM

Hi Pablo... I'll get this info to the CDL group. The process to connect your new account with the old preprints is in the works.


Bruce Caron Fri 2 Oct 2020 1:53PM

From a user with a new account: Pablo Ampuero · 4 hours ago

I registered but my previous preprints do not appear in my dashboard. Is that the normal behavior or did I miss a step? I couldn't find a "help" button either.
More importantly: I found no link to the moderation policy in the first page of preprint submission. One requirement that was often missed and caused rejections is to "clearly state that this is a non-peer reviewed preprint".


Christopher Jackson Mon 12 Oct 2020 9:03AM

Sorry. Catching up with everything post-holiday! Did this issue get fixed? I had a couple of people saying they submitted but didn’t get a notification of confirmation...