We are now partnered with the CDL and hosted on the Janeway preprint platform.
Please distribute this press release widely, and sign up for a new account at eartharxiv.org . https://osc.universityofcalifornia.edu/2020/10/eartharxiv-preprint-server-re-launches/
Pablo Ampuero Fri 2 Oct 2020 10:10AM
I registered but my previous preprints do not appear in my dashboard. Is that the normal behavior or did I miss a step? I couldn't find a "help" button either.
More importantly: I found no link to the moderation policy in the first page of preprint submission. One requirement that was often missed and caused rejections is to "clearly state that this is a non-peer reviewed preprint".
Bruce Caron Fri 2 Oct 2020 1:48PM
Hi Pablo... I'll get this info to the CDL group. The process to connect your new account with the old preprints is in the works.
Bruce Caron Fri 2 Oct 2020 1:53PM
From a user with a new account: Pablo Ampuero · 4 hours ago
I registered but my previous preprints do not appear in my dashboard. Is that the normal behavior or did I miss a step? I couldn't find a "help" button either.
More importantly: I found no link to the moderation policy in the first page of preprint submission. One requirement that was often missed and caused rejections is to "clearly state that this is a non-peer reviewed preprint".
Christopher Jackson Mon 12 Oct 2020 9:03AM
Sorry. Catching up with everything post-holiday! Did this issue get fixed? I had a couple of people saying they submitted but didn’t get a notification of confirmation...
Zheng · Fri 2 Oct 2020 12:16AM
Thank you, Bruce. Already registered and wait for the approval.