Sun 20 Oct 2019 8:28PM

Newcomers, Introduce yourselves!

BC Bruce Caron Public Seen by 111

Welcome to Loomio! Here is where the discussions, conversations, and decisions are made for Earth ArXiv!


Rob Storrar Mon 16 Mar 2020 1:44PM

Hi all, I'm Rob Storrar, a Glacial Geomorphologist at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK


Srikanth Mon 16 Mar 2020 11:12AM

Hello. I am Srikanth. I completed 35y career in Petroleum E&P in India and Abu Dhabi (UAE). Taught Petroleum Geology for 3 years at IIT Bombay, India. My career was divided between Development Geology, Computer Science & Technology. Currently I am developing the 4th Paradigm Geoscience - structure, course and contents. I pursue learning the differences between High-Performance-Sciences like Biosciences and Geoscience. Developing a robust Earth Systems Science is my idea for addressing the challenges in responsibility and accountability to Earth! Look forward to be contributing with usefulness.


Olivier Pourret Thu 5 Mar 2020 9:13AM

Hi all,

my last blog post on preprint

On the interest of preprint – the story of my "Open Access practices in geochemistry" project

thanks Earth ArXiv!




William D. Harcourt Wed 4 Mar 2020 7:49PM

Hi Chris, thanks for the info and looking forward to being a part of this! I run seminars at my institution and it would be great to create a presentation about EarthArXiv and pre-prints when I've got to know the environment a bit better. I'll be sure to ask for some advice and maybe material to help with this!


Bruce Caron Wed 4 Mar 2020 6:30PM

The artwork is up on the Everything stickers thread...


Christopher Jackson Wed 4 Mar 2020 5:59PM

I’m happy to order some stickers for UK people if you can send me the artwork please @Bruce Caron


Bruce Caron Wed 4 Mar 2020 4:51PM

I have a few hundred stickers... I'm looking to pass these to someone from the US going to the EGU...ANYONE? Mailing stickers from the US to other countries is a real pain and expensive. I'm going to start a sticker thread... so hop on there if you want stickers or the artwork to make your own.


Christopher Jackson Wed 4 Mar 2020 3:48PM

Hi all the new folks! Welcome to EarthArXiv; we value your support and energy. As you know, we're currently going through an excting transition in terms of who hosts our platform; we hope this leads to a better service for all users. Until we've settled on where we're going and when, we encourage you to keep talking to friends, colleagues, and co-authors about the value of preprints. The ASAPbio FAQs are a great place to start: https://asapbio.org/preprint-info/preprint-faq. We've also got some EarthArXiv-specific material (e.g. slides, posters); if you'd like some of these, please let me know. Also, @Bruce Caron, might it be possible for us to order more stickers?!?! Thanks!


Robert Mahon Wed 4 Mar 2020 12:50PM

Howdy all! I'm Rob Mahon, assistant professor of sedimentology at the University of New Orleans.


Jesse Pisel Wed 4 Mar 2020 5:38AM

Howdy everyone! I am Jesse, my background is in sedimentology and quantitative stratigraphy. I am a professor of computer science here at UT Austin and I am looking forward to interacting with you all.

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