
Navigators Group

Welcome to the SESP Navigators Group. We look forward to working with you to strengthen and grow the social enterprise sector across Queensland.

The purpose of this online space is to engage, and undertake a progressive series of learning and direction setting 'tasks' that include:

  • Capturing information and insights from the field
  • Creating new relationships and understanding connections
  • Facilitating reflection and new thinking
  • Achieving focus for future sector development
  • Integrating for action

The six Navigator tasks are outlined in the invitation slide deck which you can find in the link below. We are hosting our kick-off webinar on Friday the 17th May at 12:30pm. In this webinar we will walk through the proposed project process. If you can't attend the meeting, we'll have a recording available.

After the kick-off webinar, we'll get stared with the 1st task. The goal of this 1st task is to introduce yourself, and also refine, improve and agree on the proposed SESP process.

What to do next:
1. Open the Welcome Webinar thread (pinned below) to access the welcome webinar recording, and to provide any suggestions for refining the SESP roadmap.
2. Open sub-group TASK 1 (on the left) and briefly introduce yourself. Imagine we are meeting in a physical room and this is our first meeting.
3. Feel free to ask questions about the Task Roadmap or communicating with us in the Q&A thread.

Thank you for joining the Navigator's Group and participating in this process.