

This collaborative space is an opportunity to ask CoEPP physicists for help when analysing ATLAS data in HYPATIA*. Physicists are members of this Loomio group for this purpose. They will also advise you on how to collate your data and discuss what the collated data means.
It is also a space where you can collaboratively design questions for physicists during your Virtual Visit. To suggest a question select ‘proposal’ and type your question.
Other students can give their opinion and suggest possible amendments. You can vote up questions so you get the most popular one to ask physicists during the Virtual Visit.

*HYPATIA (HYbrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in ATLAS) allows those of us outside CERN to work with the most advanced techniques used by modern particle physics on real ATLAS data. So we will get a better understanding the interactions between the constituents of matter.