
Progress Update - 27 September

BP Bailey Peryman Public Seen by 7

Bailey Peryman Wed 26 Sep 2012 8:48PM

Hi Everyone,
So we have a budget to work with, that is the 'seed funding' available to the whole conference organising committee. General indication is that $800 for a venue, $1000 for entertainment and then it gets complicated around how much is budgeted for food and drink for each person.

We have a bank account available to us and we can seek to do fundraising of our own.

So on that note, check out this link - $2000-$7000 available for community projects design and led by young people - that's us! http://www.myd.govt.nz/funding/youth-fund/index.html

I am keen to get behind both the CPIT Community Garden and the Seven Oaks site as two key projects to get wider involvement of the student body/young people as well as produce a whole lot of food!

Other ways to attract funding are to go the crowd-sourcing route. Check out this link for more info: localfood.buckybox.com/2012/08/top-tips-local-food-3-creative-funding-financing-local-food/


Freya O'Donoghue Wed 26 Sep 2012 9:16PM

The Youth Fund looks mean, we should definitely apply!!!
It's due really soon though, so we should get onto it asap!

My only concern is that it needs to be completed by the end of June 2013?? - Not sure how we could get around this other than just stating that our project will be ongoing until the final event in Jan 2014...

from my understanding Eddy calculated the catering at $80 pp and estimated 65 people would turn up, that gives us $5,200 to work from his calculations. Personally, I'm hoping that we will have 150 people or more at our dinner, but i'm not sure how this would fit into the budget. The Youth fund looks like it could help us a lot if that takes off!


Bailey Peryman Thu 27 Sep 2012 2:43AM

Cool, OK I am waiting for feedback from Jocelyn about the process for submitting this application under the name of the NZAEE Canterbury Branch.
I think we should go for the funds from the perspective of 'project start-up' - so money would be used to buy seeds/tools, printing costs, and hold events with free food that attracts young people and makes it easy for them to get involved. Will have a good read of the criteria, but feel free to start a document and share it in Google Docs.