Loomio Gold subscription is now 39$/m.
This is something social coop members, especially the finance working group, might want to know and we should take this into consideration when dealing with the budget estimates.

Mayel de Borniol Fri 6 Jul 2018 1:14PM
Did the price change for existing subscribers too?
Leo Sammallahti Fri 6 Jul 2018 1:48PM
Good question I don't know.
Matthew Cropp Fri 6 Jul 2018 6:26PM
Thus far it has not; I think the new pricing structure applies to new accounts, but thus-far existing orgs' discounts are grandfathered in, so we're still paying $5/month. Though it would be good to think through at what scale we might want internalize the subsidy and bump up...
Leo Sammallahti Fri 6 Jul 2018 9:12PM
I would be happy to pay more than that, think Loomio is brilliant.

Mayel de Borniol Sat 7 Jul 2018 1:27AM
Sure, but at the moment we're paying less than that for our own servers! Might make more sense to fund our own tech ops team and if necessary upgrade our own infrastructure before sponsoring others.

Matt Noyes Sun 8 Jul 2018 1:14AM
Time to suggest Loomio offer cooperative membership to users?
Michele Kipiel · Fri 6 Jul 2018 7:59AM
Thanks for the heads up!