Wed 1 Feb 2017 3:49PM
Saturday, 4th February 2017 (12.00 - 14.00) in Kingsmead Square

Hello All!
Please confirm if you're coming to help this Saturday (weather permitting)! I think it could get quite lively this week, and we still need to shift some more tickets for the A C Grayling talk.
@werahobhouse and @williamhobhouse: will you be able to set up at noon? I've got @markbaines' spare keys, so we can go to his offices together after the LD hustings, or I can meet you at Marcom at 11.45.
Is anyone else available to come to Marcom at 11.45, please?!

Ruth Malloy Wed 1 Feb 2017 9:40PM
Great! Thank you, Anna.
Anna Beria · Wed 1 Feb 2017 6:35PM
I'll be at the hustings too. Will come along afterwards to help set up and could stay for an hour or so.