Wed 10 Nov 2021 8:50AM
Why can't I mark threads as read any more?

In one of my Loomio groups, we have a practice of closing threads once a decision has been made. Whenever someone closes a thread, it comes back into my Inbox as Unread.
There used to be a quick way for me to mark these threads as 'read' without having to open them and close them again. I think it recently changed to a tick, but now it has disappeared altogether.
Is there a reason for this?

Robert Guthrie Thu 11 Nov 2021 12:47AM
Ok, fixed!
Robert Guthrie · Thu 11 Nov 2021 12:24AM
Hi @Dani Ahrens, thanks for pointing this out. It's a bug, the button is there, but there is no icon on it, so it's invisible. I'll deploy a fix later today.