Thu 11 May 2017 7:57PM

Democratic participation in local D@W groups

SS Steve Shapiro Public Seen by 469

Hi folks
As we start up local groups, we really need to think about both what we are doing and how we are run.
Usually a few people get a group started. They are the leaders and they have ideas as to what the group should be doing. The groups will attract people to join base on the ideas that they have been listening to and wanting to do something about.
Each group is going to be different based on the people involved but I think we need to have some guiding principles and work towards specific goals. Each group needs to define the goals, figure out what needs to be done to obtain the goals and create tasks based on those goals.
Using Loomio, we have a tool to democratize the discussions around goals. We should use it.
In terms of groups, we need to think like democratic co-ops...this means that meetings, phone calls, discussions need to be open and inclusive. It may seem that this is will slow things down (it will!) but that's the change we are looking for. We want to move away from hierarchical organizations. As we learn to participate, we will get better at it.
Those are my thoughts.
Steve Shapiro


John Rhoads Tue 8 Aug 2017 2:53AM

@steveshapiro are you the "lead" for one of the d@W action groups?