
[post] Mark Zuckerberg at the European Parliament

H HgO Public Seen by 17

Is there anybody who would be interested by doing a short article about the audition of Mark Zuckerberg at the European Parliament ? We could publish the whole record of this audition, with some comments on what have been said.

Link to the live, at 6:20pm: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-live/en/other-events/video?event=20180522-1820-SPECIAL-UNKN

I think this is important as privacy, transparency (this audition wasn't meant to be public, at first), and fight against the GAFAM are part of our core values.

Y en a-t-il parmi vous qui seraient intéressés d'écrire un court article sur l'audition de Mark Zuckerberg au Parlement Européen ? Nous pourrions diffuser l'enregistrement de cette audition, avec quelques commentaires sur ce qui aura été dit.

Lien vers le direct : http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-live/fr/other-events/video?event=20180522-1820-SPECIAL-UNKN

Je pense que c'est important, car la vie privée, la transparence (cette audition n'était pas censée être publique au départ), et la lutte contre les GAFAMs font partie de nos valeurs de base.


Josse Tue 22 May 2018 6:26PM

I am against the politicians (and us) giving so much importance to this man: they will try to control Zuck in order to control us. Only solution is that they give initiative to the people so we can build a decentralised, federated version of fb.


tierce (Thierry Fenasse) Tue 22 May 2018 8:24PM

They asked from stupid to very interresting questions ... they probably tries to defend « regulations » against global abuse ... but « controling Zuck » was not the main stream about that.

For a replay : https://ec.europa.eu/avservices/ebs/schedule.cfm?page=2&date=05/22/2018&institution=European%20Parliament#s403645

The people, can take initiative... but it those not want to do it. Leaving Fb is one of it. Not using a smartphone is another.

Parliement are not always wrong, as people are not totaly slave. There are choices to take. Individual and collective ones maybe.


Josse Tue 22 May 2018 8:43PM

I still think if we had better support for entrepreneurs, we would have made fb 10 times obsolete. (which to me is basic income / culture where failing as enterpreneur is an option) You can not just tell people to stay away. They should be lured to something better.


Josse Tue 22 May 2018 9:37PM

Title in the deredactie: 'Wilt u herinnerd worden als de man die onze democratie kapotmaakte?' (Do you want to be remembered as the man who destroyed our democracy?) --> Let's say we are not really living in a democracy to start with instead of defending our pseudo-democracy and trying to let politicians put another backdoor in fb as we all know the government is even worse to trust than fb.