Fri 16 Aug 2019 3:26AM

The Pueblo Union

PM Pete Moss Public Seen by 107

Hello folks! It was recommended that I share my whitepaper here. After more than a year of re-writing, I am beginning the work of launching the NGO & consumer coop structures mentioned within. I'll just drop a link here where you can find the 9-page paper, and I look forward to discussing it. http://Pueblo.Global or https://pueblodollar.com/whitepaper

The Pueblo Union is a mutual aid platform assisting communities around the globe in achieving all 17 Sustainable Development Goals through a viral shift toward Municipalism and cooperative economics. 'Pueblo' is a toolbox of 21st century solutions for adapting to climate change and social evolution. Our business network is growing a zero-marginal-cost economy. Our social network is fostering social capital and mutual aid. Our complementary currencies create abundance. Our volunteer incentives increase public services. Our local chapters strengthen community & ecology, working to end poverty.


Christophe Parot Fri 16 Aug 2019 7:59AM

The adoption of a new , fairer currency is a central point for a new economic model.


Michel Bauwens Fri 16 Aug 2019 8:40AM

by the way, fyi, I diffused the pueblo union news, mentioned earlier on this forum

don't hesitate to connect with the p2p blog editors if need be,
