Thu 4 Jun 2020 2:30AM

Tzoa - Round Three: Prioritizing Proposals (Dot Vote)

BK Ben Kadel Public Seen by 18

It's time to prioritizing the highest ROE proposals. Now is the time to update (edit) your proposal.

See the "dot vote" poll in the stream.

General Instructions:

Take the time to review the proposals and comments before voting.

You can still use comments to ask questions for clarification or make friendly elaborations (use @person to flag them).

Now is the time for proposal owners can use feedback through the comments to make edits to their proposal where they see fit as we are starting to dot voting exercise.

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Poll Created Thu 4 Jun 2020 9:42PM

Morning meetings Closed Tue 9 Jun 2020 6:01PM

Ben brought up that some people like to concentrate and time block their meetings in the morning so that their afternoon is freed up to focus/concentrate. Does the general principle of trying to schedule meetings in the morning work for everyone? I like the concept of not disrupting people and having long stretches to complete tasks so that people can achieve flow. Morning = planning, afternoon = execution, that order seems to make sense logically. Keep in mind some people are not morning people so the definition of "morning" is probably 9am until noon if you consider the night owls.


Results Option % of points Voters
Undecided 0% 1 KH

0 of 1 people have participated (0%)


Poll Created Fri 5 Jun 2020 4:56PM

Team capacity planning Closed Tue 9 Jun 2020 6:01PM

Not really clear what the team's capacity is. Simple exercises like capacity planning can help the team find out how much time members are actually spending on admin tasks or projects. Concept explained here: team playbook. I believe this exercise doesn't have to happen often but should help understanding and eventually improve team's capacity over time.


Results Option % of points Voters
Undecided 0% 1 MW

0 of 1 people have participated (0%)


Kevin Hart Fri 5 Jun 2020 10:51PM

Good idea. Ben Reed has showed me some capacity planning screens that he set up in Jira/Atlassian. I think we'll be doing more of that type of planning soon.


Poll Created Sat 6 Jun 2020 10:36PM

Work on a task only after the task item has been created in Jira (software) Closed Tue 9 Jun 2020 6:01PM

If a task is being worked on and there is no item to track it on Jira, the task is lost and time spent on it is not tracked by Jira. For project management reporting purposes, it's a good habit to make every task trackable on Jira, even if it's just a title without much details provided.


Results Option % of points Voters
Undecided 0% 1 MW

0 of 1 people have participated (0%)

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