Wed 7 May 2014 2:14PM


BH Bob Haugen Public Seen by 13

Please introduce yourself.


Deleted account Thu 24 Sep 2015 5:52PM

Hi Jon,

Where in EU? Yes, for the common good, this is an important task, modeling networked economies. What progress so far? What are the immediate challenges?



Johnny Karlsson Fri 13 Nov 2015 1:29PM

I'm Johnny from Sweden. I work in a cultural long-term project processing and communicating alternative ideas to economy and production. Our work in "TeaterK", as we call our theater, led me here. I've been following the work at Sensorica for about 2 years.


Bob Haugen Fri 13 Nov 2015 1:38PM

Hey Johnny from Sweden! Welcome!

I looked at TeaterK, unfortunately through the usual lame Chrome translation. Interesting combination of theater and social projects.

I particularly like Visutopia: "Theatre K has for years dedicated its activities to the issues of the future and the way to a sustainable society. We specifically devoted ourselves to the relationship between climate and environmental issues and how we manage our resources (financial system). We believe that there is now a need for concrete visions of how the economy should be organized in a sustainable way. A phenomenon of our time that have the potential to influence this relationship is the Open Source movement. Something that started as open source software, has now been further developed also for natural products. Open Source production at all stages is transparent, and drawings and designs freely shared."

Do you combine theater and social projects, or are they separate? I mean, do you consider your social projects as life-acting? Creating the world you want to live in as art, but not play-acting: as the real thing, so people can really live in it? (Did that make sense to you?)


Johnny Karlsson Fri 13 Nov 2015 1:59PM

Hi Bob and thank you!

We do it for real. One part of Visutopia is for actual creation of hardware for example. We are also involved in local food production.



2015-11-13 14:38 GMT+01:00 Bob Haugen (Loomio) :

Hey Johnny from Sweden! Welcome!

I looked at TeaterK ( http://teaterk.nu/ ), unfortunately through the usual lame Chrome translation. Interesting combination of theater and social projects.

I particularly like Visutopia: “Theatre K has for years dedicated its activities to the issues of the future and the way to a sustainable society. We specifically devoted ourselves to the relationship between climate and environmental issues and how we manage our resources (financial system). We believe that there is now a need for concrete visions of how the economy should be organized in a sustainable way. A phenomenon of our time that have the potential to influence this relationship is the Open Source movement. Something that started as open source software, has now been further developed also for natural products. Open Source production at all stages is transparent, and drawings and designs freely shared.”

Do you combine theater and social projects, or are they separate? I mean, do you consider your social projects as life-acting? Creating the world you want to live in as art, but not play-acting: as the real thing, so people can really live in it? (Did that make sense to you?)

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Bob Haugen Fri 13 Nov 2015 2:15PM


We do it for real.

Good. My kind of theater!


Bob Haugen Sat 8 Apr 2017 11:04PM

Today I got another request to join this very inactive Loomio group, so I thought, maybe I should say I visit Loomio regularly if anybody wants to discuss something in this group or others. I see a few people who joined here over in the Commons Transition group, which is more active.

@olek joined today, and may want to post an introduction here.

@lynnfoster and I are Mikorizal, and we got a lot going on these days. Not much of it in Loomio, but that might change, or we could tell stories, if anybody is interested. (Just checking the weather...)


Olek Suchodolski Sun 9 Apr 2017 4:30PM

Hello, i'm cybernetic interested in Beer "Viable System Model" - that is solid base for virtual distributed organization. As far as i thinked how to realise that type of organisation i understood that virtual distributed cooperative based organization must implement MOOCS as platform for free decentralized education. Then in 2011 i developed model for international complexity advanced research institute www.icari.org/demo . My experience for decentralized organization comes from Petri nets based project planning - "Cybersyn", "Sputnik-scalar" projects. As far as i know there was a project in Latvia called "Delta technology" , also in soviet union was project "Ogas" and the last one based upon blockchain - "DAO" - Distributed Autonomous Organization. My goal is to develop international cooperative distributed virtual platform with crowdbased governance and autonomous control. Need help with software programming.


Bob Haugen Sun 9 Apr 2017 5:02PM

Interesting stuff! I'll look deeper in to icari when I get time. A couple of years ago the P2P Foundation tried to start a 21st Century Cybersyn project, which never quite got anywhere, as far as I know. You can see a lot of their links at http://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Category:Mutual_Coordination

We use the Conversation for Action protocol from Cybersyn in our software and in the upcoming Value Flows project, as you can see here: https://www.valueflo.ws/introduction/cfa.html

You're welcome to participate in Value Flows, if you want, and it makes sense to you. Here's a good place to start: https://gitter.im/valueflows/welcome


Bob Haugen Fri 20 Oct 2017 5:55PM

@hadishamieh welcome. We haven't had much activity here in our Loomio group for a long time. Please introduce yourself and what you are interested in.


Hadi Shamieh Fri 20 Oct 2017 10:06PM

Hello Bob,
I saw a huge opportunity in the NRP to empower communities. I would like to eventually fork and simplify it with some permaculture aspects in there. I am a member of PraxEco.com community network. I am not sure if this is possible, but our vision is to have it as a mobile application that anyone can download. A summary of the App can be found here:
Are you guys still working on this? Could you provide me some guidance and support?

Thanks in advance!


Bob Haugen Fri 20 Oct 2017 10:36PM

Hadi, that's totally possible. I saw you in the Sensorica network, and we are not working on that version of the software anymore. NRP and its forks have moved on quite a lot from there.

Here's some history: the latest project is this one:
Make sure you look through the wiki:
It includes a project for a new UI which will end up being mobile-friendly, although it is not quite there yet:

So anyway, that might be what you want to fork. There are several people, including me and
@lynnfoster and people in Italy and Australia, working on the the upstream repo, which is where most of the work is going on:
And then the LearnDeep gang is a computer science college project in Milwaukee Wisconsin USA, and they will probably bend it in their own directions.

So, lots of fun to be had! We can provide guidance and support. Let us now what you need.


Bob Haugen Fri 20 Oct 2017 10:38PM

Also, depending on how brave or foolish you are, here is what I am thinking about as the next step in this adventure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fNcmyzol72FctBbF3Nh8gLoRj6UbL9CnqLM2F7iuF2o/edit?usp=sharing


Hadi Shamieh Fri 20 Oct 2017 11:09PM

Bob, this is fantastic! Thank you very much for the detailed message. I skimmed through it now, but will check it in more details next week. The idea of introducing a bot and that communication strategy is genious! I will give my comments in details on the page next week as well.
It is true that I am an affiliate to Sensorica, and I've also seen you valuable contributions to some emails we exchanged (like the st louis resources). Thank you very much for those. PraxEco is a new movement that is separately governed from Sensorica. We share different values and our goal is to transition to an abundance self sufficient future through exploring the advantages of natural systems; starting with agriculture (Permaculture). In short, our economic model insists that all "active" participants get a fair share of the profit. This is why the forked NRP that we need is a bit simpler than the ones used by existing communities. We are currently drafting the model. All our work is transparent and available online (PraxEco.com). Nonetheless, I will send you more specific details of what we need for the PraxEco App next week.
It is a huge pleasure to connect with you. I will stay in touch. PS. I believe "foolishness" to be coinciding with creativity. We need more of it!

All the best,