Let's design a new logo!
Hey everybody I'm planning on improving upon the current adventure club logo. If anyone has suggestions or ideas of what I could do i would appreciate the suggestions. The logo would be used for...
- Clothing
- Our club Facebook page
- Posters or advertisements for our club events
- Our loomio page profile picture
The current logo has a lot going on and the colors could use some work. My goal is going to make the colors more uniform and to simplify the overall look to fit better on our site and posters.
I attached the two versions of my first concept. I personally prefer the one in color but I understand the importance of a good black and white logo also. I also decided I'd go really simple for the first concept. if its too simple or you don't think the colors or sizing of stuff is good let me know. This is my first concept after all.
I added Nathan's sketch made digitally to the original post. I think it is very promising as the bird is made after the NJ state bird and can be made very simple but still hold meaning.
I uploaded my most recent concept. I'm quite fond of this one.
Joe Wisneski Tue 2 Oct 2018 5:56PM
What about a group of people standing atop a mountain, overlooking a view? That's pretty simple in construct, and can certainly be an awe inspiring concept.
Bryson Beck Tue 2 Oct 2018 6:02PM
I like that idea a lot. I'll definitely try a concept with that in mind.
Cassie DelToro Mon 8 Oct 2018 8:29PM
Uh... I'll just leave this here... :laughing:
Connor Mon 8 Oct 2018 8:40PM
(The above was me - accidentally posted while signed in to Cassie's account.)
Cassie DelToro Tue 2 Oct 2018 5:59PM
Here’s the old logo
David Kerr Tue 2 Oct 2018 6:00PM
My idea would be an over all circular design. On the outside make it say Sussex County Community College. Then have Adventure Club written somewhere on the inside with a picture or design.
Connor Tue 2 Oct 2018 6:06PM
Except for the "Sussex County Community College" part. The name is too long and that's why we dropped most of it from our club name years ago.
Anyway, we're going for a logo, rather than a whole "badge" design, so maybe we should avoid incorporating entire words altogether.
We could always come up with the logo first and then circle it with the words for other uses!
Connor Fri 5 Oct 2018 9:12PM
Any updates, @brysonbeck ? The sooner we make a nice design, the sooner we can wear some nice apparel 😉
Bryson Beck Fri 5 Oct 2018 9:57PM
Thanks for reminding me to upload my first idea. I'm not experienced with GIMP so forgive me if the design isn't as crisp as you had in mind.
Connor · Tue 2 Oct 2018 5:55PM
To be clear, @jonheater made the current logo to fill a void, but he is by no means a graphic design guy. Redesigning this has been on the backburner for years - but it's been difficult to incorporate all of the ideas we want in a simple design.
The current design is by no means simple:
- There's a little dude hiking up the mountains
- there is a flag at the peak of one of those mountains for some reason
- The hiker is using a pickaxe as his hiking pole. And it's upside down.
- it contains four whole words
- Two different fonts
- a random, complicated leaf
- a sun that isn't a real circle (it's an oval)
- red (compass lines?) that aren't radiating from the sun, they're in it
- red oval (different shape) in the middle of the sun
- weird bird thing (forgot motivation Jon had, probably some ancient symbolism)
- hiker is either a black belt, or has a tail