The latest suggestions and tools mentioned in the threads
Idoia Zapirain Wed 20 Sep 2017 9:09AM for class/group Twitter account
Idoia Zapirain Wed 20 Sep 2017 9:15AM
By Barbara. Group pictures and suggested tools: Break Your Own News
Barbara Wed 20 Sep 2017 10:02AM
Please remember to give proper credit when you copy and paste someone else's work!
Idoia Zapirain Wed 20 Sep 2017 2:27PM
Yes, please. Add the URL and you will help us curate the material suggested.
Barbara Wed 20 Sep 2017 4:48PM #GOALKEEPERS17
Upload a headshot, choose a one-word descriptor and choose a colour. Then just save and share.
Idoia Zapirain Wed 20 Sep 2017 8:33PM
Done. #bethechangetakethechallenge is full of #goalkeepers17 :slight_smile:
Maria Teresa Rughi Thu 21 Sep 2017 8:54AM
Done! Shall we start the slow twitter chat for SDGs week? I ' ve posted Q1
Barbara Thu 21 Sep 2017 2:29PM
Yes, we could do that! Have you posted this question on Twitter?
rosa calvino Thu 21 Sep 2017 5:49PM
Dear Maria Teresa , I would like to start a slow twitter chat for SDGs week but iwhere can I find the group please ?
Idoia Zapirain · Wed 20 Sep 2017 9:07AM
By Maria Teresa Rughi. For the Global Goals Week,or soon after (since it ends on 23 Sep.) we can also think of arranging a "Slow twitter Chat" among some of our students. It can last as long as we decide (4-5 days) and each day begins with a question (Q1-Q2 ect.) Students access at their own pace and answer (A1 - A2 ect.) using