Welcome and introductions to the Kaka project -read this first
Greetings, haere mai, namaste, welcome to the Kaka project - a community run planning process that will feed into long term planning for the wider Brooklyn area in Wellington, New Zealand for 2014-2015
We have received initial submissions from residents during Sept-October 2014 and there is a summary of the data on the kaka project website www.kakaproject.org
Please introduce yourself to the wider community here and feel free free to take part in conversations as they emerge.
We are also having in-person meetings from mid February.
Chris Wells Wed 28 Jan 2015 9:00PM
Hi Chris Wells from Mitchell street. What's the best method for providing feedback on individual noted topics from your PDF? / What plans are in place to gather feedback to confirm it is what people of the community actually want to be fought for? How does this group connect to local councillors and their visions?

Tomáš Kříha Thu 29 Jan 2015 7:47AM
I'm Tom and a Washington Avenue resident with three children at Brooklyn School.

Sue Devereux Fri 30 Jan 2015 1:02AM
My name is Sue Devereux and I have lived in the Brooklyn area for the vast majority of my life. I'm really passionate about the broader community being able to have input into what they want in their community and also about the organisations and groups within the community sharing knowledge and resources for the best overall outcome for all. In Scouting we call this "using resources wisely"
Julia Hamilton (WCC) Fri 30 Jan 2015 1:10AM
@chriswells1 we welcome discussion on here. We will also be updating the website kakaproject.org in the next few weeks where you will be able to provide feedback on key issues we heard through our earlier community engagement.

Ben Zwartz Fri 30 Jan 2015 6:47AM
Hi I am Ben Zwartz of Vogeltown, down by the dairy on Short St. Natalie and I have lived in the area for around 15 years and have two girls at Ridgway School. The school (and before it for us Brooklyn Playcentre) is a strong focus of community - many willing engaged parents.
My background in land surveying means I have worked around the neighbourhood, dealt with Council and the District Plan, appreciate the local views, heritage and landmarks, and know a few folks around the place.
In 2014 I joined BCA as a community advocate for VogelMorn.

Beth Beard Sun 1 Feb 2015 9:17PM
Hi, I'm Beth Beard.
We have 3 kids, 2 still left at Brooklyn School. I run pilates and zumba fitness classes in the community. Through work and family we love the richness of our Brooklyn community but see the time it takes and the influence environment makes to facilitate people gathering.
I was involved with the submission to council when Vogelmorn Hall was going to be divested in 2011 without robust community feedback. This Kaka Project is a polar opposite experience. The councillors and council officers are genuinely excited about working proactively with our community to see what can work out best for our long term community.
Sophie Jerram Wed 4 Feb 2015 2:59AM
Hello everyone, I'm Sophie Jerram from Fortunatus St. My husband Evzen and I have two children, now at Wellington High and Ridgway School. We have been quite involved in the Montessori preschool and Berhampore school as well.
I work running public art projects www.lettingspace.org.nz and am permanently passionate about creating shared spaces in cities (and increasingly country sites too). I was a founding director of this (Wellington based) decision making software company, Loomio. I believe that we're in for some really exciting times as we all become more adept with community decision making. I'm on the Brooklyn Northern United Junior Football Club committee and am keenly involved in Vogelmorn community activities (more parties anyone?).

Jaime Dyhrberg (WCC) Thu 5 Feb 2015 12:17AM
Hi all, I’m Jaime. I work in the community planning team at the City Council and we’ve been assisting the Kaka Project.
By way of introduction and in answer to your question @chriswells1 this second phase of engagement is to identify which ideas we heard last year are truly worth pursuing - the ultimate test being where there is the energy, commitment, and resources, that’s where our priorities are.
The Council may have a role to play in supporting some of the initiatives to emerge from the Kaka Project. For this reason, a group of Councillors have been acting as a political reference group, to act as a sounding board and provide an early indication about which initiatives are likely to receive Council support.
One of the next steps is for the Kaka Project to submit on the Council’s draft long term plan and the group is seeking input from the community now so that it can be assured that what is presented to the Council is viable and supported by the community.
The group will be posting a programme of activities and opportunities to provide feedback and discuss issues, in addition to this discussion space on Loomio, in the next week or so.
nick mouat Mon 9 Feb 2015 3:48AM
Kia ora... I'm Nick Mouat and have been working on the Kaka Project steering group for about a year now. My interest and motivation for joining the group stems from living on and off in Brooklyn since 1990, having a child at Brooklyn School and a nagging feeling that our community is pretty good but, with a few refinements, could be fantastic. Now what those refinements, tweaks or interventions are and how we apply them is the task ahead! A task we'd love to have as many people join in on and contribute to.
Sophie Jerram · Wed 28 Jan 2015 8:26AM
Please introduce yourself here~!