
2024 May Guild wide Meeting

Y Yuko Public Seen by 16

Hey wonderful guildmates, Here's a recap from May guild wide meeting. 

May Guild Wide Meeting - Happy May Day! - 

05-01-2024 5:30pm ET 

Facilitator - Yuko

Secretary - Dave 

Agenda Doc - Click to OPEN

1) Announcements

- Welcome Casey

- Cassie being back in the guild! (yay healing!) 

- Roof Repair work is about to happen. Please be on the lookout for Max's message.

- Thank you Chris for making our calendar look fabulous and activating the FP TV on this. [Calendar Page]

- Cafe first Popup is happening on 25th! 

2) Important Dates for guild operation 

May 2 - Thursday 4pm EST - Day of Care Visioning - Zroom.PrimeProduce.Coop - Captains - Jacquie / Kelsey 

May 8 - Wednesday 5pm EST - More Money for the Guild meeting - In person and/or Zroom 

- This will be an initial session to clarify, ideate and set an expectation. Please join if you are ready to commit, we will talk about what that looks like in this meeting as well. 

May 22 - Wednesday 5:30pm EST - Community Agreement Reading - In person preferred.  

- Community Agreement 

3) Requests 

- Please make sure you turn off things when you're leaving the guild hall, especially when you're closing so that we can be mindful of our utility expenses. 

- Please share your feedback on your STaTS experience and/or your orientation experiences with STaTS HQ team. 

- Newsletter Submission 

Due Friday 5/3 5pm - What to include - 250 words or less, a photo, event link. You can email with that info by replying to this email. 

​I hope you have an amazing day and please take care of yourself and each other. :) 

L​ove and light
