
Decision has been made
Who made the decision: Sam Lee
When was the decision made: 02/12/21
Decision summary: In line with origional proposal. Have a two money pot system. POT 1 = fixed costs + small buffer, POT 2 = dreams donation pot. Use a dreams platform to distribute POT 2.
Trello actions:
Finalise fixed costs of POT 1
Buffer %
Accomodation breakdown clarification
Set up dreams platform
Write guidelines
Decide on dates [Dependant on membership prcess]
1st AP of Celtic Burn 2022
AP - Budget:
My vision for Celtic Burn (in line with the constitution) is - "How can we get as far away from a traditional festival structure as we can" and "How to facilitate decentralised doing while still engaging amazing creation". Here is some interesting reading about "free black rock city burn" this year https://gisellebisson.medium.com/the-2021-renegade-peoples-burn-an-anarchist-alternative-to-burning-man-redefined-fire-ba7695b8e5dd
The way normal budgeting works is - A small group of people/ person forcast what the community needs for a given event and then notify the respective budgeted areas e.g. "gate- this is your budget". Then add a buffer to that total budget and divide by number of members. A step above this is that the respective areas get together first to estimate their needs and feed into the budget creation.
Budget Proposal: A small working group has a meeting to establish our FIXED costs + a small buffer. That total is divided by number of people, and all people pay that base cost into POT 1 (e.g. £40).
POT 2 is a donation based pot for all the extra things that the community decides it would like. When people purchase their membership (POT 1) they are equally presented with POT 2 to donate into. When all memberships have been taken and all donations made, POT 2 becomes our total "dreams" budget.
How to fund dreams? - Use a dream grant type process where Dreamers creat "profiles" for their dream e.g. MAKE THE GATE NICE AGAIN with a description + budget, then on a given date the most highly "voted for" dreams are funded. For me this really ticks the boxes of Inclusivness, Co-creation and Decentralisation.
Decision deadline - 3 days after next meeting (2th Dec)
Deleted account Thu 2 Dec 2021 3:49PM
When are we planning to launch memberships by the way? Just wanted to note somewhere that we need to provide ample notice since it’s first come first serve!
Deleted account Thu 2 Dec 2021 12:49PM
£30 / £50 sounds good. This would mean we'd have £850 available for insurance rather than £350, which might be a more realistic budget

Sam Lee Wed 1 Dec 2021 12:15PM
I agree, Option 1..... Actually, ammendment idea - Just do two £40 instalments = £80.
Maybe... Not sure if that would mean that lots of people would go for that = more hastle
£30 £50 would be okay as well ...?

Vic B Wed 1 Dec 2021 11:52AM
2.9% + 20p is for non-European cards
Deleted account Wed 1 Dec 2021 11:39AM
Ah cheaper than I thought!! That means all the calculations I just did & posted about are wrong 😅 see Memberships thread!

Vic B Wed 1 Dec 2021 10:59AM
Also I checked Stripe and it says 1.4% + 20p which seems to be the cheapest around

Vic B Wed 1 Dec 2021 10:52AM
Probably could if we are setup as a business account so maybe better to factor the extra in as booking fee as you said. My tattooist always gets me to send him payments as family and friends and he is still working away 😅🤭 yes, best to get further advice.
Deleted account Wed 1 Dec 2021 10:47AM
Do you reckon we could get in trouble for that? lol. I'm gonna post about this on the other thread - memberships

Vic B Wed 1 Dec 2021 10:32AM
If we were going to be managing a spreadsheet anyway then it might be just as well to have payments taken through paypal to family and friends so they dont take the transaction fee and then they can ve manually recorded?
Emily H · Thu 2 Dec 2021 3:53PM
in meeting i think we left it at "asap" - ideally ahead of christmas but need to sort the final budget for that.
looking at the insurance thing now / next days -
*edit as i saw elsewhere that the yurt thing is under investigation