
Berries of the World

JB Jo Barker Public Seen by 76

I am working on a Berries of the World project and looking for top recommendations and also interesting berries from around the world with a story to tell. Can you help? Be interesting to hear what could come up. I have one I will share that's unusual but right under our noses!!!

Cherry laurel. Prunus laurocerasus. Its common here in the UK but not many people realise its edible.


Jo Barker Tue 20 Sep 2022 11:42AM

Thanks Lyla, appreciate the caution. Reminds me of yew berry with the edible flesh, except that people are not likely to eat the laurel pips.


Lyla Byrne Tue 20 Sep 2022 7:18AM

Sorry - just meant to put the text in the middle of my post as a Q from wiki. - When i posted other stuff appeared...will be more careful myself next time.


Lyla Byrne Tue 20 Sep 2022 7:11AM

I guess that the flesh of the berries is edible...be careful though....Leaves and seed may cause severe discomfort to humans if ingested.[20] The seeds contained within the cherries are poisonous like the rest of the plant, containing cyanogenic glycosides and amygdalin.[21] This chemical composition is what gives the smell of almonds when the leaves are crushed. Laurel water, a distillation made from the plant, contains prussic acid (hydrogen cyanide) and other compounds and is toxic. It is useful for shelterbelts as well - can grow well in shade under taller trees.