FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

A message on the FB page posted some good questions. Please post answers and more questions on this thread.
Here are some things people may want to know for the event.
1. Where is the Campsite? Is there going to be one?
3. What's on the Menu? (Some people have allergies or sensitivities.)
4. Is there wifi?
5. Coffee, tea or Cigarettes.
Julia Clark Mon 19 May 2014 2:38PM
Please remember to save after working on the titans :)

Sally G Mon 19 May 2014 3:04PM
@jackie We should coördinate material on site with what is going into the guru; we should be able to make someone’s job easy by using the other’s work.

Jackie Sun 25 May 2014 3:59AM
....we may want a page for the schedule or to add it to the home page like we did last year. or is the guru more than the schedule?
just sent this email to the group - it would be good to get this up asap - need folks feedback.
Putting together a FAQ page for the hub. http://natgat2014.titanpad.com/22
We have lots of links and sites and groups. It's starting to shape up, and will be a helpful resource for folks coming to the site.
Need some statements, content for a few things, and suggestions for others, if stuff is missing..
What is the National Gathering?
Where is the National Gathering happening?
Main Venue(s)
State Capitol Park
Satellite/Solidarity spaces. Occupy, movement friendly zones.
would like to talk about this^ - can Sac folks reach out to local networks outside of occupy and ask if they can support with spaces that are safe spaces, i.e. somewhere folks can meet if needed (plans go awry or police, etc.)
Why Sacramento?
Issues Impacting Sacramento
Occupy Sacramento
Issues Occupy Sacramento focuses on
until definite plans are arranged, language for answers such as:
Where do I stay?
Folks are looking hard to find safe secure camping, backyard and other spaces.
We will try to match folks seeking or offering sleeping spaces. Add Offers or Requests for sleeping arrangements on community exchange, ONG Sharetribe https://occupynationalgathering.sharetribe.com/
would like to talk about this^ - can Sac folks reach out to local networks outside of occupy and ask if they can support with offering resting place, maybe posting on soc media or putting flyers around. flyering would be a good way to generally promote natgat.
What’s on the Menu? (Some people have allergies or sensitivities.)
Food will be prepared by volunteers with donated supplies. Every attempt will be made to accommodate special diets, but we strongly recommend folks with medical dietary needs bring their own provisions.We are bringing dogs. Is that ok?
Sea Sun 25 May 2014 4:07AM

Tricia Sun 25 May 2014 10:11AM
I think it's a good start. As the questions come in, we'll post them there.

Sally G Sun 25 May 2014 2:04PM
Guru is definitely more than schedule; it is a guidebook to the event; FAQ, where to find things locally (camping, pharmacy, office supplies/copies, post office, groceries/convenience store, gas, bank, etc.). @allstr33ts, please confirm

Jackie Sun 25 May 2014 2:42PM
Added a spot for Local Resources.
not sure what's up with this one:
5. Coffee, tea or Cigarettes.
asking if there is coffee and tea available? and if smoking is allowed? (surely not if cigs will be provided)

Tricia Sun 25 May 2014 6:31PM
I think he means if substances like such are welcomed. I think we could ask people not smoke or wear fragrances or drink alcohol in deference to the chemically sensitive and to our indigenous friends. It doesn't hurt to ask.
Sea Sun 25 May 2014 7:03PM
I meant that dogs are already a real hassle here in Sacramento?! Please don't bring dogs!
Jackie · Mon 19 May 2014 12:44PM
Been waiting for a few key things before putting up on the site. Please add more at the bottom:
NatGat3 FAQ