Educating Folks about CC and OER

Part of the challenge (and great opportunity) of the OER Sprints will be educating people who take part on some of the issues around copyright, CC and open educational resources.
The sprints will be a good excuse to make new and improved resources on these issues. This will involve everything from brochure(s) and detailed guides to blog posts.
What do we need?

Matt McGregor Thu 17 Sep 2015 3:44AM
Coming down the pipeline are also:
* A teacher's handbook on CC and copyright
* A short animated video on CC for teachers
We'll probably also need a reasonably detailed guide on what people will need to think about prior to the sprint, so we don't need to do too much scene-setting on the day.

erika pearson Thu 17 Sep 2015 7:30PM
Having a go-to person on the day might be very helpful, to streamline answering those "hey, I found this problem, what now?" questions.
Also, in our sprint, one of the big stumbling blocks was confirming provenience - sometimes, even though it's labeled CC, the person doing the labelling didn't have the right to release it into the commons ;/

Dave Koelmeyer Thu 17 Sep 2015 10:23PM
Blog posts approaching the benefits of OER from the student point of view (or blog contributions from a student directly) could also be highly effective.

Matt McGregor Thu 17 Sep 2015 10:46PM
Thanks @erikapearson - I remember Richard mentioning that. This might be a job for any volunteer librarians we can get along... there seems to be a danger that the people doing the making get side-tracked into tech or legal complications. It would be good to avoid that as much as possible, obviously.

Matt McGregor Thu 17 Sep 2015 10:51PM
@davekoelmeyer that's a great idea. That's been effective at a tertiary level overseas, with students demanding free and open textbooks, etc. Depending on the scope of the event, we could get some senior students involved on the day, making student-centred OERs.
Off-topic a wee bit, but there was a local teacher that was keen to involve her students in the development of a CC policy at her school (i.e. have the entire student body vote on whether CC would be worth adopting). It hasn't gone anywhere yet, though bringing students more on board is an exciting prospect.

Dave Koelmeyer Thu 17 Sep 2015 10:55PM
We had three PhDs from Faculty of Engineering attend the Auckland roadshow earlier this year, and they found it very worthwhile. I'll check around quietly and see if I can drum up any interest in this.

Matt McGregor Thu 17 Sep 2015 10:58PM
Great, thanks - noting that this is mostly aimed at school teachers at present. Though maybe there could be room for tertiary teams?
Melita Thu 24 Sep 2015 2:41AM
I'd be keen to see something focused on adult/tertiary education as well, but perhaps that might come later? Not sure where to put this offer, but we do have a space we're very happy to make available free of charge for a OER sprint in Whanganui - can fit 15 - 20 in comfort. I know that is a lot smaller than the 60 -100 people you are looking at for each event though.

Matt McGregor Thu 24 Sep 2015 2:51AM
Welcome @melita! The 60-100+ is more the ambition for the main centres - but there could be other events, for sure.
I see no reason at all to put barriers in the way other kinds of events - or events targeting different groups of educators and students - coming under the umbrella. The schools focus was just for us (all 1.2 of us!) at CC to make sure we weren't biting off more than we could chew.
But that's awesome - perhaps we can start another thread for additional venues / audiences.
Matt McGregor · Thu 17 Sep 2015 3:43AM
I've started a series of blogs on the planning of the OER Sprints on NZCommons - our community discussion site. You can find them here:
Others are welcome to write for the site on this or any other open related issue.