ECA Assembly Moments: ECA Welcome, Future and tools
ECA Opening: Sophie & Nicole:
ECA Future (potentially will be broken into 2 slots):
General Program for reference:
Pad on input: (TBCreated)
Gaelle Thu 20 Jul 2017 5:42PM
Hi, I'd be happy to take part to the discussion about this. But I'm leave soon on holydays. I'll catch up when I come back (August 20).
Nicole Leonard Fri 21 Jul 2017 10:35AM
Nicole Leonard Fri 21 Jul 2017 10:34AM
@lucastello mentioned that Ana M maybe with someone else could be a good option for one of the sessions.
I contacted Bart Cosijn who helped with the last assembly in Brussels but he is not sure to be able to make it to Madrid and declined
We are also contacting Javier Rodrigo from Transductores (- but he would be more for participative Documentation process of workshops), not facilitation of joint sessions.
Nicole Leonard Mon 24 Jul 2017 3:47PM
Welcome: idea for Ana/MediaLab to present the Laborotorio del procmun experience and intro to the space.
Still not sure on other facilitation.
I have opened up this pad to note down ideas for the ECA Future session, open to whole ECA. Please contribute with topics to discuss:
Ana Méndez de Andés Mon 24 Jul 2017 6:13PM
I think the right persons to present Medialab and the Laboratorio del Procomún would be Marcos and Patricia. I can make the welcome to the ECA, explain the programme, etc, and help to atructure and facilitate the discussion.
Nicole Leonard Thu 17 Aug 2017 2:48PM
@Sophie and I are working on the welcome: We want to give space to people to talk, introduce the space, programs, and workshops, and give some background on the assembly and some optimistic words. We are thinking 3:30-6:00pm;
For the Friday future session, we thought that instead of doing one big assembly on the "Future of the ECA" We could break it up into one block that's more on organizational questions, playing off the outputs from the working groups: "what common lines of action can we take and how?"... and then a second block that looks at more of the political content: "what next for the ECA and the commons movement?" to close. Interesting to hear your comments...
For "tools", the idea is not to have a separate session on them, but ideally to somehow integrate them into the workshops/documentation. It would be good to get more people using loomio for example so we can keep ECA momentum up afterwards online.
Nicole Leonard · Thu 20 Jul 2017 3:55PM
We need to find facilitators for this. With Ruby we are looking to open up a framapad for people to input the questions about the ECA that they want to explore.
With @staccotroncoso we also considered doing a session on tools of the ECA, e.g. the wiki and the loomio. I thought we could maybe pilot it on the Friday morning - take something from one of the working groups, and then introduce it in loomio as an example
-> Speaking of Friday, I think the ECA future session shouldn't actually be on Friday morning. I think that session should be less structured, more of a follow up to working groups or work focused. Because we also have TEF Convergence session/assembly in the afternoon. 2 assembly momenets in one day is two much maybe.
-> This means Wednesday afternoon could be the time. We can still play around with this. A FACILITATOR and INPUT FROM ECA are key for structuring this content.