Fri 24 Jun 2022 2:38PM

Oak stumps from the Hudson Valley: collab on shiitake growing?

D Danny Public Seen by 25

If you are interested in participating please leave a comment explaining how you might contribute to this potential project and explaining the level of commitment you are able to make.

Initial Inspiration

I was at the Anable Basin Sailing Bar & Grill and I met the crew and captain of the Schooner Apollonia. They are interested in finding a stable business model to support their desire sail, to increase the awareness of low-carbon cargo transport, and to establish the viability of sail freight on the Husdon/East river. The captain (Sam) mentioned that last year they transported oak stumps to a farm in Redhook for shiitake cultivation which was paid for by some sort of Cornell grant which is no longer active. They want to build relationships that could lead to stable business for them.

Based on this meeting I proposed that Gil, Sneha, and I meet for a defined period to explore possibilities that could weave some local communities together and provide a useful application for the Biotech Without Borders lab. As with much of my outreach on Loomio, I also wanted to model possible ways the tool could be used to find collaborators. This also comes with a conceptual understanding of BwoB that has been made clear to me from reading about Microsolidarity. Briefly, microsolidarity seeks to build robust communities of purpose and belonging that can operate shared infrastructure. It makes explicit formats of human organization ranging from individuals to dyads, to crews, to congregations, and ending with a crowd. The size of these groups both limits the types of actions that can be done (because of challenges in coordination and trust) as well as what resources it has available. I want to do more explicit and deliberate work with this conceptual practice.

Only Danny is a member of Biotech Without Borders in the current formulation of the crew. But he communicated that one does not have to be a member to participate in this "outer" level of the BwoB community. Indeed there are a host of folks who are not members who volunteer or otherwise help the organization. It's also possible that relationships built here may result in action taken outside of BwoB, as long as BwoB is part of the plans or a member of BwoB is involved Loomio can continue to be used for organizing.

He committed to convening the first 2 meetings which resulted in some notes (from July 15 and July 27) as well as the first of the next 3 meetings (following the microsolidarity principles each meeting to be convened by one participant, meetings are finite) which will take place monthly starting in October. This timing is loosely building toward late winter/early spring (2023) harvest of log stumps.

Potential Projects and Resources

Danny is eager to explore methods for quantitative trait loci (QTL) assisted breeding. But our crew does not have any expertise in growing from spore. However, Sneha is confident that this expertise does exist in her network. There may factors influencing the success of breeding if genetically distinct plugs inhabit the same log. Furthermore, log cultivation may be slower than some plants.

Sneha is interested in experimenting with atypical cultivars of mushrooms. She has noticed patterns of competition on logs she has access too. She has access to several sites where there are existing log farms. Gil and Danny are both members of Smiling Hoghead Ranch which may allow a log yard to be set up as well as cared for if the gardeners can partake in the harvest.

Gil is interested in mycoremediation. Although touching the water of the Superfund may be illegal, work on brownfields would be less so. Interestingly these logs would be in brackish water which is not thought to be conducive to mushroom cultivation. He is familiar with sites where experimental work on mycoremediation could be conducted. He is also working on a project that is in year 6 where the output is a large agricultural farm.


Deleted account Fri 8 Jul 2022 8:23PM

I passively support this and will join if I can support or be a fan.


Danny Fri 15 Jul 2022 6:56PM

Sneha and I both had a nice chat which went over the agenda and then some. I stressed that these meetings are not necessarily to decide on how a project might be executed but rather they are to gather a small group who may have potential shared interests. Also it's a little toy example (as so many of my engagements with Loomio) of how other may use this software.

I took notes on the agenda here.

I will try and gather us for one last meeting (including Craig as well) where we can continue our conversation. Preferably somewhere outdoors (perhaps the DPG of Smiling Hogshead). I'll send a time poll Sunday or Monday.


Poll Created Mon 18 Jul 2022 12:59PM

Potential project(s): log cultivation and breeding fungi Closed Sun 24 Jul 2022 3:01AM

by Danny Sun 24 Jul 2022 7:07PM

UPDATED to be online:

2nd meeting on shiitake/mushroom breeding

Wednesday, July 27 · 6:00 – 7:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/oih-hkyb-piw

Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 437-781-4585‬ PIN: ‪763 420 959 4756‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/oih-hkyb-piw?pin=7634209594756

Let's block off an hour to talk but try and keep it to the first 30 mins to let Sneha run to her other meeting. Agenda can be found here. Excited to see you all.

Sneha and I met over a video chat and discussed what breeding shiitakes might look like as well as my current attempts to bring together different groups for fixed duration meetings around project ideas where the administrative burden (scheduling meetings, taking notes, setting an agenda) is shared by those in the group. It was my intention to bring together Gil and Sneha in this fashion, but based on availability I was only able to chat with Sneha. It was nice catch up in general, which was lovely. Sneha suggested adding Craig to the mix and he also responded to an earlier poll with "if need be times", so this next and final meeting I will try and schedule with him. If further meetings are desired we can discuss at this one.

Agenda can be found here. Let me know what times you are available. Sneha and I both thought it would be nice to meet outside. The Dead Possum Grove of Smiling Hogshead comes to mind, but if you have a suggestion for a site please leave it in the "reason" field. Alternate times can also be suggested.


Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Wed 27 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Mon  1 Aug 2022 10:00PM
Mon  1 Aug 2022 11:00PM
Thu  4 Aug 2022 11:00PM

3 of 4 people have participated (75%)


gil lopez Mon 18 Jul 2022 1:00PM

Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Wed 27 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Mon 1 Aug 2022 10:00PM
Mon 1 Aug 2022 11:00PM

I have a different meeting during those time on 7/27, but I’ll go to that meeting late. If we can, let’s meet at 6pm on the 27thWill be coming straight from oral surgery on 7/28. Not sure how well I’ll be able to talk. August 1 is a Pagan holiday. I may be covered with mud, by a fire and/or on some next level psychedelics.


Sneha Ganguly Mon 18 Jul 2022 1:00PM

Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Wed 27 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Mon 1 Aug 2022 10:00PM
Mon 1 Aug 2022 11:00PM
Thu 4 Aug 2022 11:00PM

I'd like to find some time that works for Gil. I have a packed day on the 27th, get home at 5:30 and important meeting at 6:30 but could join for 30 mins at 6. I added August 4th.


Danny Mon 18 Jul 2022 12:59PM

Wed 27 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Wed 27 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 10:00PM
Thu 28 Jul 2022 11:00PM
Mon 1 Aug 2022 10:00PM
Mon 1 Aug 2022 11:00PM
Thu 4 Aug 2022 11:00PM

Going to see Homeboy Sandman in the evening on the 4th but I could do a meeting earlier. Just might feel a little pinched for time / would want to leave early.


gil lopez Sun 24 Jul 2022 10:39AM

Let’s do 7/27. My other meeting isn’t until 6:30 and I’ll just be a lil late for it. Or if we can bump our meeting to 5:30 that would work


Sneha Ganguly Sun 24 Jul 2022 8:08PM

Danny, even though I asked to meet in person, I am not sure if I can manage a 30 mins meeting in person this Wednesday. Can we move this to online. I will check in with Craig today.



Poll Created Mon 25 Jul 2022 2:55PM

Change meeting time and format? Closed Tue 26 Jul 2022 1:00PM

by Danny Tue 26 Jul 2022 1:00PM

Meeting will be online now. Thanks for participating.

As I mentioned in the last meeting (and hopefully is properly expressed in the notes) I'm not specifically trying to move the project in the thread context forward (it's barely a project IMO rather it's a collection of ideas) but rather I wanted the project idea as a nice framing to get to know y'all better and serve as a potential nucleus to a more defined future project.

I was looking forward to seeing folks IRL, but if it means we can actually simultaneously convene I will be OK with changing the meeting to an online one. However, I am also OK just meeting with Gil by myself for this final meeting of the series and recording the notes. In this case, the notes from both meetings will serve as a record of our thinking around the topic of of log cultivation/fungus breeding. A third option may be for another to try and convene us for a future date.

Regardless I will edit the context of the thread at the end of our series of meetings to capture what has transpired for others who may want to pick up on the topic/project.

Please let me know how you want to proceed.


Results Option % of points Voters
Change meeting to Online 60.0% 3 D GL SG
Danny meets with Gil IRL 40.0% 2 D SG
I will try and convene us later 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 1 CT

3 of 4 people have participated (75%)


Sneha Ganguly Mon 25 Jul 2022 2:56PM

Change meeting to Online
Danny meets with Gil IRL

Sorry to have to do this. I want nothing more than to meet IRL but my schedule just won't allow it at this time.


gil lopez Mon 25 Jul 2022 2:56PM

Change meeting to Online

Online works best for me as I was gonna have to rush back from the Rockaways to meet y’all on Wednesday.


Poll Created Fri 12 Aug 2022 7:43PM

New series of monthly meetings: meeting #1 Closed Thu 8 Sep 2022 3:01AM

by Danny Thu 8 Sep 2022 1:03PM

This poll is being cancelled as Sneha is better served by dates after the 23rd of Oct. There is no understanding yet as to when a poll will be most appropriate. Gil has not participated (but perhaps he is occupied with his September travel [vacation?] as previously communicated)

This will be the first of 3 meetings spanning the course of 3 months to explore what it means to be a small crew and try to better pin down a project using our collective resources.

We will each convene one meeting. I will start.

Please indicate in your "reason" if you want to meet in cyberspace or meatspace.

An skeleton agenda can be found here. Please edit as you see fit.


UTC Votes D SG
Fri  7 Oct 2022  3:00PM
Sun  9 Oct 2022  4:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022  3:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022  7:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022 11:00PM

2 of 3 people have participated (66%)


Danny Fri 12 Aug 2022 7:43PM

Fri 7 Oct 2022 3:00PM
Sun 9 Oct 2022 4:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022 3:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022 7:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022 11:00PM

In person is my preference


Sneha Ganguly Fri 12 Aug 2022 7:44PM

Fri 7 Oct 2022 3:00PM
Sun 9 Oct 2022 4:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022 3:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022 7:00PM
Mon 10 Oct 2022 11:00PM

Hi Danny, I’d like to propose something in person after October 23rd since I will be in Oregon until Oct 20 then preoccupied with Fungus Fest preparations. Can we repoll, a little bit later?


Danny Thu 8 Sep 2022 1:01PM

@Sneha Ganguly sure I am open to moving it after the 23rd. What do you mean by later? do you want to create the time poll instead?


Poll Created Thu 16 Mar 2023 7:45PM

Close this thread Closed Mon 27 Mar 2023 2:04PM

by Danny Mon 27 Mar 2023 7:39PM

This thread is being closed because the nascent crew that this thread was proposed to help organize does not have the capacity to work on the project ideas we initially discussed. However Sneha did close the the thread with a comment that she is interested in researching log cultivation sites that are already set up.

I had started this thread with the intention of seeing if Gil and Sneha wanted to be a crew in order to weave together Biotech Without Borders, Schooner Apollonia, and Smiling Hoghead Ranch. While I still think that is an interesting idea and there were good discussions had under that pretense (see the meeting notes), I think the fact that we didn't revisit these discussions in the Winter is a good indicator that we should move on from this.

I also discovered through this process that the project that I initially was thinking about would take some time and at the moment I don't think Biotech Without Borders can engage such a long term project without a better understanding of how it would positively impact our survival.

Therefore I propose to close this thread to make space for other initiatives that may form instead.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 3 D GL SG
Agree, but want to suggest an alternative rationale 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 0  

3 of 3 people have participated (100%)


Sneha Ganguly
Thu 16 Mar 2023 7:46PM

Thanks Danny for revisiting this thread. I enjoyed meeting and sharing ideas regarding collaboration, but similar to BwoB, I am not sure I have interest in leading and conducting a communal long term fungi breeding project exploring Shiitakes and log cultivation. Also I need to consider how this opportunity will be equitable for me as a facilitator to commit. Since that is not clear, I think best to close this thread at this time.


Sneha Ganguly Fri 24 Mar 2023 9:12PM

However, I will add, there are a growing number of farms and community gardens that are installing mushroom log yards. Conducting a citywide research project in partnership with there orgs and reporting on the status of yields and environmental conditions, would be interesting to me.