[This AP has closed and below is the final outcome]
Let's talk dreams.
As of now, £1760 in POT 2. All to go towards dreeams.
Time line for this years dreams process:
New dreams deadlines because everyone could do with more dreaming time:

Here is a link to THE dreams platform - https://northern-regional.dreams.wtf/celts-dreams
No idea is too large or too small. The community decides what projects should be funded by giving out "dream money" to their favourite dreams (on the dreams platform). All dreams are welcome even if they don't need funding - art/ workshops/ events/ ceremonies/ spaces etc. The dreams platform is a great space to see what people are dreaming about and to collaborate with them. Our community is made up of ingenious people, so, if you need help then make a post asking for advice/ help/ materials if you need it. Be your own judge of what is safe, dont be the person responsible for the e.g. no explosive materials rule next year. The better the description the higher the chances of people giving you dream money! We're a community built on trust.
How it works? -
If you have a dream, put it on the dreams platform. See above for timelines. Then, each member will receive an equal % of the donation pot 2 (Pot 2 divide by 100 members) to use to fund whichever dreams they like. Memebrs will be able to spend a maximum of 50% of their budget on any 1 dream.
All dream money unspent by the members will be distributed by... some people (some people that volounteerd. You can too if you want). What happens if I get ~90% funded? You'll probably be fully funded by the committee, unless it's super expensive and the last 10% could fund 20 other dreams.
Who reviews any of this shit? - Members review dream budgets as they use the platform. If you're there, have a look to make sure peoples dreams are above board and helpfully comment if they're not.
Where can you ask question about any of this stuff? - This thread to be used as an FAQ space or Trello cards for dreams that are being worked on colectively.
This is no magic money tree, the idea is that the dream grant system is there to help you realise what you wish to gift to the community. That being said, we have a whole heap of money to spend, so put up a dream, be brave, show us what you got.
Be specific with budget items.
Good example - Paint materials £15
Bad example - Effigy stuff £100
In the description, please add a minimum figure that you need for the dream to go ahead.
We are not funding transport, be a master tetris packer, make it work. There might be exceptions to this, be sensible and ask if you need it.
Please only budget for edible things if it’s a crucial part of your dream and you cannot afford to do it without funding. In general, we want to fund edibles because we believe everything can be art, but it’s not feasible if every chill space budgets for fruits and cakes and what not.
That's all from us dreamers. Remember - Everything is a dream, Be brave, LNT is real
Go forth and dream!
Kas Tue 11 Jan 2022 12:27PM
I think do it on the master spreadsheet for camp space allocation. Then if a camp/ space occupier wants to make a dream for funding or for show then use the dreams platform

Sam B Thu 13 Jan 2022 7:03PM
I think the point raised in the meeting about transport is important, that transport should not be covered except in exceptional circumstances, to try an keep as much of the budget as possible for actual realising if dreams.
Emily H Fri 14 Jan 2022 11:21AM
agreed. if someone is bringing something gigantic that the community wants and could not otherwise be transported then it can be funded? not sure on logistics of arranging that but maybe keep it chill and see what happens / what requests come in?
Emily H Fri 14 Jan 2022 11:19AM
Just a quick note to say i think this is all sounding very exciting! Do wonder about the whole thing with adopting spaces / dreams - maybe one approach could be to have the procesess running at similiar times so that people know which spaces will exist and can propose dreams which would take place within spaces if desired?
Emily H Fri 14 Jan 2022 11:22AM
ah i hadn't properly read Kas' response to Fran - think we are thinking along the same lines

Allan Mon 7 Feb 2022 10:25AM
Calender onthe left still shows Feb dates

Allan Mon 7 Feb 2022 8:57PM
Ignore this, I see it's actually March dates but they're on the same days.

Camilla N Mon 7 Feb 2022 2:04PM
The "New Dream" option seems to be missing? Or am I only allowed to have one dream? haha

Sam Lee Mon 7 Feb 2022 6:53PM
Should be able to have as many as you want.. Call me if it doesnt work
Deleted account · Tue 11 Jan 2022 11:17AM
Note from meeting last night:
Can we integrate space adoption into Dreams platform? I.e., if we want camps to form, to propose adopting a space, and for the community to decide who adopts which spaces, can they decide on the Dreams platform? I don't think so, but I thought I'd ask anyway.