Tue 27 Nov 2012 12:30AM

Do we want to use Coactivate to collate information at a national level

HM Hannah Mackintosh Public Seen by 60

There were a lot of discussion at the hui around the best way to collaborate at a national level.

One suggestion was that we use coactivate to replace the current forum on the TBANZ site.

You can have a look at the Dunedin one here: http://www.coactivate.org/projects/dunedin-timebank/summary


Paul Smith
Thu 6 Dec 2012 9:11PM

I'm all for this idea in principle but haven't investigated co-activate enough to recommend it as a tool.


Fri 7 Dec 2012 1:55AM

Joy Waikanae Timebank i am keen for us to start using coactivate for internal discussion and collaboration on documents at a national level as soon as possible, if it works and serves our needs then thats fabulous and if not we can try something else


Fri 7 Dec 2012 2:16AM

Joy Waikanae Timebank I am keen for us to start using coactivate for internal discussion and collaboration on documents at a national level as soon as possible, if it works and serves our needs then thats fabulous and if not we can try something else


Benedict McHugo
Fri 7 Dec 2012 5:36PM

Yes lets do it, hope it does not require lots of work for one or two interested techies.


Danyl Strype
Sat 8 Dec 2012 12:47AM

CoActivate, like Loomio, is designed for use by community groups who aren't geeks. It's a non-profit service. It runs on free code (or "open source" software), with a one-click option to copy all your data out of it in standard formats (no lock-in).


Miles Thompson Fri 30 Nov 2012 1:29AM

As it turns out we can't just 'auto-add' everyone to the coactivate site, so folks are going to have to be 'invited' then agree to the invite, which is a shame. I think its totally worthwhile nevertheless


Rosemarie Smith Fri 30 Nov 2012 1:40AM

TBANZ was a bit clunky didnt have much take up so I'm happy to try something else.


Emma McGuirk Fri 30 Nov 2012 2:15AM

I'm excited to go ahead with using CoActivate as a tool for national collaboration on documents, and for creating wiki pages

On CoActivate it is easy for all members of the group to upload documents and edit the wiki pages. On timebank.org.nz it is more difficult, and this work consequently fell to a small team that was not always able to keep up (especially when there were technical problems, that made it impossible to upload to the site). However I totally agree that timebank.org.nz could be a great information website for the media and general public.

So yes, I fully support this proposal.


Emma McGuirk Mon 3 Dec 2012 10:22AM

Just added a small point in another discussion about how the term TBANZ was defined at the 2011 hui - We, the active members and developers of Time Banking in Aotearoa NZ, are TBANZ (TimeBank Aotearoa New Zealand). The website timebank.org.nz is not 'TBANZ'. Let's just refer to it as timebank.org.nz.


Danyl Strype Sat 8 Dec 2012 12:41AM

CoActivate doesn't require any techies at all. It is free code software designed to be used by community groups who don't have any geeks involved. Like Loomio, or any web tool, it requires a bit of time to get familiar with the way it works, but it's much easier to learn (and harder to break) than websites which use an out-of-the-box Content Management System (CMS) like Drupal (used by timebank.org.nz), WordPress, Joomla etc.


Joybells Tue 11 Dec 2012 4:25AM

With the current decision not due to close until 1 month away, is it possible to bring the close of the decision date closer after it has been set?? So for eg. in this case we dont have to wait so long to start using coactivate as there are currently a number of photos and documents floating around from the Hui not to mention everything from the previous year which is just waiting for one "accessable to everyone" home?


Miles Thompson Tue 11 Dec 2012 11:50PM

Good point Joy. Noting that a pretty strong consensus is forming about this who is keen to step forward to make this happen? Not pointing a blunt elbow at anybody in particular @emmamcguirk but it'd be nice to get cracking on this yeah?

Given the number of people that have put their views forward, and noting the general mood at the hui, I don't think we necessarily need to wait for this decision to close before we start to set it up?

Technically wise I don't think you can change the close date but I do have a great big 'close proposal' button over to the right of this page. Want me to push it, see what happens?


Emma McGuirk Wed 12 Dec 2012 9:35PM

Hi Miles! No worries I can get it started if you think we have given people enough time to look at the Dunedin project and share their thoughts. I have just been waiting until the proposal closed. If I don't need to then that is fine! Feel free to push the big red button if you want to :-)


Miles Thompson Thu 13 Dec 2012 4:32AM

OK I'm gonna click the close proposal button tomorrow. Just so you all know.


Danyl Strype Fri 14 Dec 2012 1:15AM

Just a note on terminology, TBANZ is the name of the network (us). The website has never been "TBANZ". It's usually referred to as "the TBANZ site" or timebank.org.nz. Can I suggest tb.org.nz as a less confusing shorthand?


Miles Thompson Fri 14 Dec 2012 4:21AM

Hey @strypey yeah thanks I know that now, was a bit confused for a bit about tbanz and/or website. got it clear now. Can't change the proposal though, unfortunately, as its not editable.


Emma McGuirk Sat 15 Dec 2012 5:09AM

We're ready to go on CoActivate :-D


All the info you need for getting started is there. Really looking forward to seeing this project evolve!
- Emma

p.s. earlier today I wrote some really wordy comments about getting started on CoActivate that I have since deleted. All I really needed to say was, "here's the link!" :-) I hope you don't mind that I have deleted those comments and replaced them with this one. Not sure what the etiquette is on loom.io for doing that (I figure in this instance it's ok because I haven't made the conversation hard to follow by removing that info?).

Looking forward to our collection of resources growing on CoActivate :-)


Emma McGuirk Sat 15 Dec 2012 5:36AM

I've sent an invite to join our project on CoActivate to everyone who was on Ruth Seabright's email list for the Raglan hui :-)


Emma McGuirk Sat 15 Dec 2012 6:49AM

I've also sent email invites out to everyone here in our loom.io group. And you can join directly, from our coactivate homepage:

There will be more people to add later on but that is a great start I think! 42 people including me. Even if just some/most of them join that will be plenty of people for making a good start on collaboratively building our resources collection.


Danyl Strype Sun 16 Dec 2012 2:52PM

Yay Emma! Loomio in action ;) Go free code software!


Danyl Strype Fri 13 Sep 2013 11:42PM

From Rebecca's comment, it seems that the CoActivate email list has proved more user-friendly than Loomio for TBANZ discussions of late. It's a good example of the way organisational practice evolves in response to what works for people. I suspect that if a time comes when there are a number of issues to be decided at the national level (eg about hosting for online TB exchanges, or the fate of timebank.org.nz), which attract a lot of discussion, the benefits of Loomio will become apparent :)