Setup and Takedown

When do we break ground on site? When do we wrap up as if we were never there? (LNT) Also, who should do what and when should they do it (build and strike)?
Arrive after 16:00 Wednesday 13th (8 beds and rest camp/van (Full accom from Thursday morning onwards)).
Depart before 11am Tuesday 19th APRIL
Budget should cover anyone wanting to arrive on the Wednesday, that's 8 already paid for beds and guestimate of 30 total humans = £220 (should have enough in budget to cover this).
There should be no designated "Build" and "Strike" team. Who should do this? - Evereyone! We should not build a "festival" for people to arrive at or have designated people to take it down again.
I propose a Wednesday night party where anyone arriving Wednesday can have the space to make a party hapen. Also make a temp gate to check people in untill the gate crew arrives.
Thursday can be our sloow Build day where anyone can do whatever they want (follow Trello card for specific tasks).
Take down - Everyone does this from Monday afternoon onwards so that we're all done by Monday eve and can kick back in the hot tub.
I beleave that it's really important here to embody participation and make a culture of all for one and one for all. Let everyone see the untidy underbelly of what it takes to make this happen.

Sam Lee Wed 16 Mar 2022 7:35PM
AP Complete.
This was a quick AP (not long to go untill event).
Decision - As stated above, including Bens suggstion and Frans of a build and strike blackboard (live Trello) with tasks on.
Tasks to fall out of this AP:
Write the date arrival/ leave info into the thrival guide. + emphasise everone does everything
Plan Wed party
Get Live Trello board
Converse with the Port to makeshure they cool with people arriving and checking

Sam Lee Mon 28 Mar 2022 11:37AM
Party ideas:

Sam Lee Mon 28 Mar 2022 11:37AM
Homemade pizza
Ben · Tue 8 Mar 2022 11:28PM
This sounds good. Something we proposed after MB last year was maintaining a list of strike tasks so no few people are left at the end having to pick up all the pieces.
My idea was to check in with people during the event and allocate them tasks from the strike list (hand them the paper with the task instructions). These would all be small items. But would then ensure we have everything covered without burning any individuals out.