Fri 4 Aug 2023 8:08PM

Open Collective Host & Platform 6

During the CWG meeting today (Aug. 4) I learned that Platform 6 is considering its current viability and a path forward: “The current directors do not have capacity to keep Platform 6 Development Co-op functioning.”

Platform 6, Extraordinary General Meetings (June 3, 2023 & July 29, 2023)

In reading the minutes of both meetings, it is clear that Platform 6 has carefully evaluated options that will avoid disruption to its member organizations. Innovation Cooperative is seen as an enthusiastic partner that “has agreed, subject to due diligence, to take over the key fiscal hosting service” that social‍‍.coop and others rely on.

While the FWG is scheduled to meet on Aug. 29, 2023 at 9 AM Mountain, perhaps this group should meet earlier to:

  1. consider the path forward with Platform 6 (and therefore innovation‍.coop);

  2. evaluate the need for a decision by the FWG or the membership; and

  3. provide a general update to members.

With thanks,

Andrew Escobar (Andres)



Nathan Schneider Fri 4 Aug 2023 8:09PM

Thanks for this! Adding these items to our agenda.

What do you need from us in terms of this transition? And who is the point person for the Platform 6/Innovation transition?


Next steps:

  • I have become a member of Platform 6 to stay informed during this transition. I will update this FWG thread for visibility.

  • A brief is being drafted by (I believe) Chris Funnel on the transition from a legal perspective. This will be posted on Loopio of Platform 6

  • I imagine that this brief will indicate key contacts at P6 and Innovation‍.

  • Shaun Fensom (Innovation.coop & broadband.coop) and I are meeting in Montreal during Global Innovation Summit in late September.

(Please let me know if you will be in Montreal too!)


Nathan Schneider Sun 6 Aug 2023 1:47PM

@Andrew Escobar (Andres) thank you for your leadership on this!


Graham Sun 13 Aug 2023 2:17PM

As a (not very active) social.coop participant, and a director of both platform6.coop and innovation.coop I'm more than happy to answer any questions on this. The details of the transition, while agreed in principle in July, only became clear just before I took a week's holiday and I'm only just back from that, so haven't had a chance to set anything out publicly. In essence - from a social.coop perspective nothing changes. We think that there are positives for a social.coop from the change, given the potential for synergy given other activities and projects that innovation.coop is developing, and I look forward to sharing more about that as we move forward (not wishing to be deliberately cagey, but I'm not sure of the current status of those projects in terms of being able to share details due to above mentioned holiday).


Nathan Schneider Sun 13 Aug 2023 3:54PM

Thanks for this Graham. Is there anything we need to do administratively to make the transition happen?

Aug 13, 2023 8:17:11 AM Graham (via Loomio) :


Graham commented in: Open Collective Host & Platform 6 ( https://www.loomio.com/d/wO2so9E5/comment/2961312?utm_campaign=new_comment&utm_medium=email )

As a (not very active) social.coop ( http://social.coop ) participant, and a director of both platform6.coop ( http://platform6.coop ) and innovation.coop ( http://innovation.coop ) I'm more than happy to answer any questions on this. The details of the transition, while agreed in principle in July, only became clear just before I took a week's holiday and I'm only just back from that, so haven't had a chance to set anything out publicly. In essence - from a social.coop ( http://social.coop ) perspective nothing changes. We think that there are positives for a social.coop ( http://social.coop ) from the change, given the potential for synergy given other activities and projects that innovation.coop ( http://innovation.coop ) is developing, and I look forward to sharing more about that as we move forward (not wishing to be deliberately cagey, but I'm not sure of the current status of those projects in terms of being able to share details due to above mentioned holiday).

Reply to this email directly or view it on Loomio ( https://www.loomio.com/d/wO2so9E5/comment/2961312?utm_campaign=new_comment&utm_medium=email ).



Graham Mon 14 Aug 2023 9:31AM

@Nathan Schneider At this point in time there is nothing that needs doing. The plan we are pursuing is that innovation.coop will take control of platform6.coop and by so doing will have access to all of the machinery that Platform 6 has put in place with respect to Open Collective: the bank account and other payment facilities - Paypal, Wise - such that the change will be invisible. Over time things may change, but our focus in setting out this pathway has been to ensure a seamless transition for the collectives that we provide service for (there are about 36 in all when I last looked) on Open Collective. Any changes that are made will be implemented carefully and with consultation. Alongside social.coop we also provide service for meet.coop and we have been working closely with the people and organisations coordinating that venture as innovation.coop wants to provide additional support (over and above the basic fiscal hosting) to assist meet.coop in stabilising and growing it operations. Matt Noyes has been party to some of those conversations. I'll provide more information once I've had a chance to talk to colleagues at this end about where things stand following my week away from it all.


Nathan Schneider Mon 14 Aug 2023 9:05PM

@Graham Sounds great, looking forward!


Nathan Schneider Tue 29 Aug 2023 3:16PM

@Graham We discussed this in our working group meeting. We think it would be a good idea to pass a proposal to the whole membership to get approval, in principle, for the transition to innovation.coop. Could you start a thread and proposal in the main Social.coop space in Loomio with the following:

  • An update on the current situation

  • A formal proposal to approve the transition process

If you like, you could start with just a thread and updates, and then do the poll later based on feedback.

Our tutorial on making a proposal is here: https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Make_a_proposal


@Nathan Schneider @Graham Here are what I believe should be our next steps:

  1. A brief/memo is being drafted by Chris Funnel on the transition (P6 to Innovation‍.coop) from a legal perspective. This will be posted on Loomio: Platform 6; we will then share it here on Loomio: social‍.coop an provide members with an update (proposal: sense check).

  2. Innovation‍.coop and P6 will take the necessary steps for a proper transition.

  3. Once that transition is complete, Innovation‍.coop would already be our fiscal host (based on a to-be-defined co-operative arrangement with P6), but social‍.coop members can chose to validate this continued relationship (proposal: consensus).


Nathan Schneider Sun 3 Sep 2023 11:36PM

@Andrew Escobar (Andres) Excellent, thank you so much for this!

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