Mikaela Suomalainen Wed 18 May 2016 10:42AM
I am not sure of what is asked, but XMPP has been supported for some times (since I started using Diaspora* at least, I think) and the podupti.me service has XMPP in the list of services offered.

goob Wed 18 May 2016 11:49AM
There is a chat feature available for Diaspora in the form of a JSXC client, but this is not polished although it is functional, so it has not yet been merged into the main Diaspora code base. It is up to individual podmins whether they wish to activate it, and will always remain so. The Pod Uptime link above shows a list of some of the pods which have activated this feature.

Pavithran S Wed 25 May 2016 10:53AM
It is up to individual podmins whether they wish to activate it, and will always remain so.
What do you mean by "always" , Is it like written on a wall? :disappointed:

Frode Lindeijer Wed 18 May 2016 5:43PM
JSXC does seem like a good choice.
Does the XMPP icon indicate an active JSXC client?

goob Thu 19 May 2016 5:00PM
Does the XMPP icon indicate an active JSXC client?
I believe so.

goob Wed 25 May 2016 11:05AM
Uh? Diaspora is distributed, which means things can't be enforced from the centre. Each podmin can run their pod in whatever way they like, within the terms of use. They decide whether they want to enable extras, such as cross-posting to Twitter, Tumblr, etc. It has to be left to the decision of each podmin whether to install and run a JSXC server, which is necessary for the chat feature to work. Or do you propose to force podmins who don't have the resources to run such a server, or who don't wish to, to close their pod?
The feature will be available to users who wish to use it. Once account migration has been implemented, it will be easy for users to move to another pod if their podmin chooses not to implement chat.

Pavithran S Thu 26 May 2016 6:45AM
Or do you propose to force podmins who don't have the resources to run such a server, or who don't wish to, to close their pod?
Not my intention. I just don't want Chat to remain in Beta Mode forever :unamused:

goob Thu 26 May 2016 12:52PM
Podmins having choice to implement it is nothing to do with beta mode. At the moment they're warned that it's in beta and that if they install it they do so at their own risk. Once it has been finished and integrated into Diaspora's main code base, however, podmins should still have the choice whether to activate the chat feature on their pod.
Deleted account Fri 27 May 2016 9:04AM
It has to be left to the decision of each podmin whether to install and run a JSXC server, which is necessary for the chat feature to work.
JSXC is not the server, it is the front-end. The server is Vines and both of them are installed as dependencies by default in 0.6. The only thing that the podmin has to do is to activate the chat in the configuration file.
Ivor Stodolsky · Tue 17 May 2016 10:07PM
I'm sure there have been many calls for a chat function, and remember talk about it. Any progress? Is Diaspora* on its way, or stagnating? We need it more than ever, with facebook censorship growing..