Organising Pulse 4 March - half-marathon theme
To discuss and store info on this event

Alan Richard Champneys Sun 11 Feb 2018 6:37PM
We live on the route - Newbridge Road. We usually have friends round and have a bit of a party. Quite happy to have several B4E people round at ours, but perhaps not the whole “Pulse”.
Several things I thought of. 1. Flag bombing the route. 2. Having stickers or berets or something to give out to runners who support remain ( e.g groups of volunteers near the start) 3. Have a Facebook campaign encouraging runners to download or sign up for a badge/sticker/beret or whatever (pledge to run in the beret and we will send you one for free). 4. Have a simple sign like “thumbs up if you love the EU” place 4 or 5 groups at strategic points with the banner and lots of flags, then cheer everyone who gives the thumbs up.
Jane Riekemann Mon 12 Feb 2018 7:24AM
That’s a great idea Alan. We usually watch from the bottom of Rosslyn Road. Most of it’s over before Pulse.
Lucy Scott-Ashe Mon 12 Feb 2018 8:15AM
I like Alan’s ideas of taking advantage of the marathon event to promote the cause.

Sally Long Mon 12 Feb 2018 11:39AM
Liking the ideas. My own concern that we might get accused of highjacking the half marathon for political purposes and receive some sort of backlash. Whatever we do will need to be handled sensitively.

Ruth Malloy Mon 12 Feb 2018 2:38PM
Bath berets and EU scarves are one thing, but I'm not sure that anything with 'Bath for Europe' or pro-EU/anti-Brexit slogans on it would be (officially) allowed.
Claire Thomas Tue 13 Feb 2018 9:11PM
What about a cheesy cheerleader routine? Blue and yellow pompoms etc and just being really positive about Bath? It would be silly but might make people laugh in which case it would be difficult for anyone to take offence. Maybe we could get Boris to dress up and do the routine too?
Claire Thomas Sat 17 Feb 2018 6:33PM
Alan, Alison and I were discussing today on way to Trowbridge. We suggest two stations on the route during the run - one near Alan's house in Newbridge (which he will organise) and one maybe in Widcombe. Any volunteers to organise that one? We can then have our regular Pulse at 2pm in Abbey Churchyard just in case people turn up expecting something. Lucy - would you be able to help me organise this part? I should be finished running by 2pm so am happy to attend this. I will also try to drop by each station - maybe for a quick photo? - during the race.
Claire Thomas Fri 23 Feb 2018 10:20PM
Can I have an idea of who might be available to come to Abbey Churchyard at 2pm? I'll look a bit sad on my own - still in my sweaty PE kit! Any ideas or volunteers for speakers? I can speak - might do 'one great thing about EU for each mile of the half-marathon'. Anyone fancy dressing up as the 118 118 men? Not sure quite what to do with this but there must be some EU fun there.
Tony Ambrose Sat 24 Feb 2018 2:03PM
After a discussion at the stall today, here's a suggestion. Yes to a meetup at the abbey if we decide to do that, though numbers may be small, but a bigger yes to flag bombing the start and/or more likely the finish of the marathon when the winners come in. It would need 10 to 20 of us with flags plus leafletteers. We would need to contact supporters to tell them to meet at a set point and time to collect and hold up a flag, maybe we supply some bamboos and we would need to get the flags from Mark's the night before. We may get on the TV if we stand in the right place near the finishing line. Timings woudl be approx 11 to start and noon to finish. Probably do either start or finish. There was a slight preference for the finish due to greater chance of publicity, and less likelihood of overwhelming crowds. Happy to coordinate, but need agreement first as to what we do.
Claire Thomas · Sun 11 Feb 2018 5:09PM
I know Misha was going to set this thread up but I wanted to get the course map on here. I know it will be problematic with traffic and crowds generally, so perhaps this Pulse should be about Bath for Europe just making its presence seen and heard. On the attached map there are little red boxes showing 'recommended viewing and entertainment points'. Maybe we could be some unofficial entertainment at one of these locations?