Mon 4 Feb 2019 12:45AM

Ideas for banners and slogans?

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 61

What are some inspiring, memorable things to put on banners and placards? Whether held or hung at protests or graphics online

I encourage us all to respond to each others' contributions with emojis (in support or not) as a kinda light version of a 'proposal' (might be a bit chaotic if we have shed loads of proposals for every idea)


Poll Created Mon 28 Oct 2019 9:51PM

Ideas for flags, banners, stickers & placards Closed Fri 1 May 2020 8:03PM

You can add your own options!

If you need to write more than 5ish words, put the details into a comment below.


Results Option Points Mean Voters
"I miss you." Next to image of Earth 8 8.0 1
"175 species per day. - Extinction Rebellion" 7 7.0 1
Could Assemblies make our democracy fit for purpose?" 7 7.0 1
Undecided 0 0 0

1 of 1 people have participated (100%)


Luke Flegg Mon 28 Oct 2019 9:54PM

8 - "I miss you." Next to image of Earth
7 - "175 species per day. - Extinction Rebellion"
7 - Could Assemblies make our democracy fit for purpose?"

I'm hoping this type of poll will not disadvantage new options which are added later on, as people's scores aren't added onto each other, they're averaged


Adi Sat 2 May 2020 9:45PM

Regardless of your poll deadline, perhaps you'd like this one: "Regulate me, I'm a carbon criminal". All too often media tries to belittle eco-minded people by pointing out hyppcracies. This bipass all that and us a leveller so may reach those not protesting. A universal acknowledgement that we're in it together and need system change not blame to individuals