Fri 14 Jun 2024 1:10PM

Looking for people to found a writers' platform co-op

FP Frank Podmore Public Seen by 151

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask, but somewhere else on the site it said to check here if someone had already had my idea, so I'm just going to go for it!

I want to start a platform co-op for writers. It would blend elements of Substack, Novlr (a SaaS for fiction writing) and QueryTracker (a site which lets you share and critique drafts of your work with other writers). Other than being a co-op, the KSPs will be (1) the focus on fiction and (2) writing with and for a community.

What I need in the first instance to get this up and running is people, so I thought I'd ask here firstly if anyone's interested in getting involved and, secondly, if anyone can recommend anywhere else for networking with people who'd see the merits of this kind of idea.



gustavo Tue 18 Jun 2024 7:23PM

i was just about to start with novlr... interesting to hear the comments on here on that....re coop-washing.. i'd add Cowheels - it is as far as I know now owned by the chinese sovereign wealth fund, but still has the "co" of coop and "community" as prominent part of its branding... the real deal platform car coop is The Mobility Factory - we are members of that coop for our rural EV car club


Sam Whited Tue 18 Jun 2024 7:43PM

@gustavo FWIW, don't take my word for it RE Novlr. I don't want to assume bad faith just because I got a weird vibe and not much info out of their emails. It could very well be that it's just early days and they were still figuring out the process and didn't have much information for me, so I'd wait to see if anyone who's a member replies first; it might be a totally legit co-op and I don't want to be slandering them if so!


Nicholas Frealand Tue 18 Jun 2024 8:29PM


A shame to see TMF has no presence in UK. Just what I have been looking for for a few years now. Not sure if there are any cooperative car sharing groups in London area?


gustavo Wed 19 Jun 2024 12:06PM

@Nicholas Frealand hey - we (in the england southwest) are on TMF and so are Trydani in Wales... we will soon be joining forces .. so there is a TMF presence here.. happy to talk more about it