Wed 25 Nov 2015 1:52AM


AJ Adam Jorlen Public Seen by 400

I suggest we replace our ideas clashes with something new. We've done it for a year now and it's been a success overall I think. Let's use the December one as an ideas clash for what to do as our monthly free Meetup to attract new members in 2016.

Many of our potential members have been to ideas clashes now (I'd say up to 100 people) and they are craving for something new.

What do you think?


Adam Jorlen Wed 25 Nov 2015 1:52AM

@elaineolsen @jordanivatts @brendonmcatee @andrewthomson


Billy Amesz Wed 25 Nov 2015 9:24AM

Yes, I agree.

Something new and fresh would likely attract more participants.


Deleted account Wed 25 Nov 2015 9:53AM

I would like to keep Ideas Clash on the shelf for a later date as a drinks, party catchup. But I only want to take it back up if it is going to be executed within a higher degree of hospitality and event management (lighting, slides, cards, drinks etc.). As it stands I believe it's too complex an event to properly pull off as a networking/relaxing event for our current events capacity.
However it is brilliant (at any degree of quality) for ideation/creative thinking, to implement in a facilitation/workshop setting.
I would like to see a more laid back, atmospheric party take the place of our monthly Ideas Clash, where people can really catchup and network. A "Beer'O'Clock for Changemakers'. This was the original intention of the Ideas Clash timeslot, yet I feel that we strayed off into much more complicated, drier places...


Andrew thomson Thu 26 Nov 2015 1:45AM

What about taking the ideas clash idea and that of Jordan's above to create a type of speed dating ideas clash.

The idea would be that change-makers come together for a beverage in a space.

Participants are partnered up, ideally with people new to them, then they are given 7mins to clash 2 ideas (in each round all the pairings would be given the same ideas. The clashed ideas are noted down during the process and then 3 mins are given to finalize something.

following the 10 mins an ideas sheet is handed in and participants move onto to do the same with there next partner (with 2 new ideas ). 3 or 4 swaps could be done in a night, before a group review and presentation of the ideas, 2 mins for each. equally the ideas could be pinned on a board for people to look at, so as to free up some time for mingling.

The second half of the event would be a mix and mingle.

Hopefully working together with people for 10 mins will act as an icebreaker to create new connections.

Name badges and a participant list with contact details can be used at the event with the list being online after.

Votes could also be held for the best ideas from each round and maybe some sort of prize given.

The time element, and simplicity might make it more fun and exciting.


Bev Johnson Thu 26 Nov 2015 11:38PM

Ideas Clash has been a hugely successful strategy for letting people know about enkel and quickly join in the fun. They epitomize the new ideas creation that inspires us all. Maybe Ideas Clash could be a key recruitment strategy??? Perhaps that is where I could add value by implementing the join up and the induction strategy that are in the business plan at Ideas Clash events.

The end of the year is inherently risky for decision making because everyone is fatigued. Can we delay the decision to ditch Ideas Clash and actually talk about it once we have our "why" sorted? It will then be easier to decide WHAT activities are most likely to achieve the goals that come out of the why.


Elaine Olsen Sat 28 Nov 2015 8:17AM

Agree with Bev.

I almost feel that the Ideas Clash will re-surface perhaps in a new form once we get our heads around the 'why' of enkel. There's a good chance that IC will become a component of one of the suite of innovation services we offer whatever that may be.

So let's hold off on making a decision about IC till we sort ourselves out.