Amy Langley Wed 19 May 2021 2:35PM
I would like to assist with Sashua on the FB group - I could be an admin or help with "ground rules" or guidelines for social media. Also willing to help with other areas, just cannot meet on Thursday's unfortunately.
Eileen George Wed 19 May 2021 3:08PM
That would be great. Is there a date and time that works best for you?

Amy Langley Wed 19 May 2021 4:11PM
Mondays work best for me :) any time after 4pm pacific. I can also make most Fridays work. 💛 I have scattered commitments on Tuesdays, Wednesday after 7pm, and Thursday’s 6-8pm. Hopefully everyone else is available on a Monday or Friday 🤍 if not I can be assigned some tasks and participate however I can.
Eileen George Thu 20 May 2021 8:07PM
Zonal Visibility and Viability
MINUTES 5.13.21
· In attendance: Melanie, Sashua, Dave T, Eileen
· Opened meeting with Serenity Prater at 6:00 PM
· Covered the video and ideas for a new informational video that can be distributed.
o Some ideas for the new video are to share FD in Alaska, including being able to start meeting in tribe and talking to tribal elders.
o Eileen agreed to take to the video to a group of people to get feedback on what they like and need to add or changed.
· We talked about places to share the video
o PR presentations
o Regional meetings
· We talked about a Zone FB group (www.Facebook/groups/961109504640983/?ref=share) ( I hope that is correct)
· We spoke about needing administrators/monitors/ and what the group wants on the page/group.
We will meet again on 5/20/21@6pm.
Eileen George Thu 20 May 2021 8:14PM
Please feel free to add to minutes if I have forgotten something.
Melanie Beck Fri 28 May 2021 12:57AM
Meeting opened at 6 pm
Attendees: Dave T and Melanie B
We discussed the WSZF video and its content. The purpose of the video is to inform members about what the Zone is and what the Zone does. The video we are looking for should be more focused on educating people who do not know what the Zone is and stay away from using initials (i.e., WSZF). Use the entire title instead. No decision was made.
We also discussed the WSZF Facebook page. This item was voted on at our last Zonal meeting as a viable means of educating members about the zone. Thank you Sashua for creating the FB page.
We discussed the which day to hold the meeting. Thursday night works for most members of the group. Any members who cannot attend the regularly scheduled meeting and are interested in assisting the workgroup are welcome.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, May 27 at 6pm. Zoom ID: 867 1661 9589, password: 334886.
Meeting closed at 6:35 pm.
Melanie Beck Fri 4 Jun 2021 12:37AM
Zonal, Visibility & Viability meeting tonight, June 3 at 6 pm. Zoom ID 867 1661 9589, password 334886.
Melanie Beck Sun 25 Jul 2021 2:26AM
Here is my report for WSZF meeting tomorrow for our Work group. Please let me know if I should add or change anything.
Eileen George Sun 25 Jul 2021 1:24PM
Thank you.
Eileen George · Thu 13 May 2021 10:51PM
Here are the Minutes/ I had to copy-paste it long story
Zonal Visibility & Viability
MINUTES 5.6.21
· In attendance: Dave, Eileen, Sashua, Melanie
· Opened meeting at 6:00 PM
· Melanie volunteered to be chair.
· Eileen volunteered to be the scribe.
· Reviewed planning session material the WSZF created at our last two meetings.
· Conversation around creating a one-page flyer to inform other of the ZONE.
· Conversation about creating a video we can share that will describe the Zone.
· We talked about having FD from each region in the video.
o Eileen to talk to Mike from Inland.
· Conversation about a FB group/creating a FB group for the Zone and events within the Zone.
o Who would be an administrator?
o What would be the content?
o Sashua was going to head up FB effort
Next meeting May 13 @ 6 pm.