Milestone Incentivization Process
Milestone Triple Checkers give appreciation credit, to be applied retroactively as an expense toward your next Milestone.
(Milestone #1: Omar 5/28-6/3)
Raise 1.19 ETH
Milestone Triple Checkers approve + appreciation credit.
(Milestone #2: Omar 6/4-6/9)
Raise 1.25 ETH + Credit
Draft Milestone #2 as usual, include 5% bonus of total ETH amount from previous Milestone as an expense ( Milestone #1 amount 1.12 ETH / 5% = 0.056 ETH )
Milestone #2 Expenses
Regular rewards 1.25 ETH
Appreciation credit 0.0595 ETH (Include screenshot of who approved you’re credit)
Riot message from Milestone Triple Checkers:
Based on the current amount of work/time this will save the Milestone Triple Checkers, my estimate is that 5% of the total amount of ETH raised is a good investment to encourage ppl to pay closer attention to the Milestones they create. Which will improve the overall quality of the Milestone on the DApp and should save time/errors during the Milestone review process.

Griff Green Tue 5 Jun 2018 9:00PM
Safe enough to try!

Kris is Wed 6 Jun 2018 1:55PM
We talked about incentivizing Milestones by making this also time-based, so I'd define even better what gets you the extra (other points we need to add?). could you say within a month? I won't commit to making them quicker :) but I like the extra push

Griff Green Wed 6 Jun 2018 8:14PM
Clarifying question: Is there some suggested number of bonuses put out there? like only the top 3 that week or every one that has a perfect milestone? Is there a time requirement? is it 100% up to bowen and lorelei?
Bowen Sanders Wed 6 Jun 2018 9:55PM
To answer: I am of the opinion, in this experiment, that every perfect milestone should get a bonus. Every milestone has the chance to be perfect if the Reviewer helps point out problems. But the milestone must be perfect (for example, this week, I suggested that all develop milestones had to go all the way to status:paid to get the 5% bonus this week.) in order to be recognized with this bonus.
It seems to me that with not only the proposer but the reviewer working toward this goal, that just about any milestone could be "perfect."
Vojtěch Šimetka Thu 7 Jun 2018 12:00AM
I do not think this should be limited to x number of best milestones. However, I do think there should be clear rules that define what makes milestone eligible.

Kris is Thu 7 Jun 2018 12:29PM
So, imagine my Milestone is not perfect and I do what Bowen asks me, I make the changes and it becomes perfect. However, this will have taken some back&forths so my Milestone will only be paid out the next week. Will I get this incentive on my Milestone or not? My question boils down to: do people only get the extra if they have the right Milestone in one go or do they get it anyways if they fix until it is ok? Ps. my other comment stands, would be good to define the 'perfect' criteria in a document, time is one I'd love to add. Was good feedback in Cardona. If I wait 2 months to create them (and many others do this too), you don't get a good view on the available budget.

Satya Thu 7 Jun 2018 3:17PM
I propose a crap milestone, the campaign owner tells me to adjust to accept it. I edit my milestone and make it 'beautiful', it now gets accepted by campaign owner. Then the reviewer requests another beautification, I do as the person says. The Triple Checker now gets to see it, the result of multiple conversations and people.
Now who gets this bonus? Me, the campaign owner or the reviewer?
So my suggestion would be to either:
A) reward all parties involved
B) only reward milestone creators if they got it right the first time. And that can be checked using the milestone conversation
Lindsay Thu 7 Jun 2018 3:23PM
I would love to hear how we will clearly communicate this process...but I feel its safe enough to try!
Yalor Tackson Thu 7 Jun 2018 4:48PM
I would actually like to withdraw this proposal, I have no interest in leading this initiative. The real purpose for this was to stop this public shaming non sense ( which actually wasn't approved through any type of process, so I don't even know why it exists) but irrelevant, I'm stepping down from leading this charge if someone else wants to pick up feel free!
Bowen Sanders · Mon 4 Jun 2018 10:12PM
I believe that a 5% bonus is a reasonable amount, which should not really impact the coffers too hard. Also, it will be interesting to see what positive incentivization does for this group! The less problems that we have during this period where we still use the multi-sig and multi-send workaround (that is until the DApp and Bridge are complete and working) the easier it will be for the triple checkers and the reviewers.
The goal is to have really nice, well crafted milestones, and I think that this incentive, along with milestone templates, will go a long way to achieving this goal.