What's the best way XR can 'disown' messaging & actions which aren't aligned?

...and of course, reduce how much this happens in the first place!
I'm inspired to write this post by the Hundred Handed (?) who I hear are behind the harmful posters and (fake) XR's East Midlands (?) Twitter account saying stuff like "Humans are the illness. Coronavirus is the cure!".
There is of course risk of many more things like this happening in future (snore, obviously not what we need, but we have to have a plan for how to deal with it) and in our own history we've had actions like Canning Town, which we know from our internal poll feedback was extremely unpopular amongst rebels, so do you have an idea how we can "officially disown" actions or messages going out in XR's name, how is it decided?
C.A.Scott Thu 26 Mar 2020 8:45PM
Trade Mark the XR logo copywrite and Sue Report to Twitter as false account
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Luke Flegg Fri 27 Mar 2020 12:23AM
Which XR logo? We use 2 :)
The extinction symbol is on 'indefinite loan' (kinda unusual as that is) from anonymous artist ESP (see extinctionsymbol.info) and our branded "extinction rebellion" text is I think not trademarked, but I wonder how you see that actually helping here in reality? Can you explain
C.A.Scott Fri 27 Mar 2020 6:38AM
Well if as a group you have not secured logos and such you cannot use that route Block or get twitter to take them down for inflammatory language.
But you know what, it is far easier and less costly to support development of Hydrogen innovation and we can undermine the whole business plan and networks by having a clean “fuel” at a lower cost.
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Luke Flegg Sat 28 Mar 2020 12:23AM
Hi C (I don't know what C stands for) I think you're going off on a tangent.
Hydrogen innovation is extremely exciting to me but we're talking about something else here - it's about how XR is structured, and makes decisions around what "is or isn't XR approved" actions or messaging. Of course we're decentralised, but not to the extent that anyone can get away with saying or doing anything in XR's name just because they think (or more importantly SAY) they're doing so in alignment with our principles.
Your suggestion about blocking / reporting on Twitter (and all other online platforms?) doesn't work for me. Not even close. I'd like to hear from some other people, with respect. That's a reactive measure, not a preventative one. Thank you though for sharing your thoughts.

Luke Flegg Sat 28 Mar 2020 12:25AM
There's a lot of people I can see are reading this. Come forward. Share your ideas. Maybe you have a half formed idea and it will inspire someone else or complete their half formed idea, making a complete one!
This is a really important and currently challenge for XR and I feel we need to bring in wisdom from the fringes.

Peter Duxbury Mon 20 Apr 2020 11:26AM
Hi @Luke Flegg etc. I'm a big fan of Loomio but looking back over a year it feels like it has not had the traction/ engagement it needs to be a social movement platform for important threads like this one. This thread bring out the fundamental tension between some sort of centralised editorial control and autonomous self-organising systems. The big questions are 1) do the grass roots understand what is aligned and what isn't? 2) to decide on this where is the shared framework to decide on alignment? 3) if we were all generally aligned then we wouldn't need editorial control? 4) which central power would decide what to disown and how? 5) which channels are to be covered - Loomio, Twitter, Facebook, Mattermost, XR Forum, speaking in public, newspaper articles, TV/ radio, speaking to anyone???
Looking at local groups on Facebook there is a lot of social chit-chat but very difficult to discern those things that are meaningful. Yes Loomio is a better platform for threads, voting etc but far more people are hooked into the social chat element of Facebook, Twitter etc. Perhaps some general standards for all messaging would be good but draconian editorial control is self-defeating for innovation and creativity..............in short what we really need is basic loose principles without preventing creativity (some of which may go wrong as we have to learn from e.g. Canning Town, Roger Hallam etc). There will always be extreme trolls to censure but I think the question goes into much wider grey areas. Self organising groups should weed out things at the right level, whether it has an XR logo (multiple variants) or not.
C.A.Scott Mon 20 Apr 2020 12:00PM
Hi Guys What is needed is to get people to go back for basic education, such as questions, search for the facts and most certainly realise that World does not come in “Three words”
When we look at the response to Covid issues in the US I am fearful of where the UK and Europe will end up if we do not get young adults to stop and think of others instead of Me Me Me but they have so many people at the top showing such
terrible examples.
Al Scott
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Deleted account Tue 21 Apr 2020 7:38AM
Firstly there is a little difficulty in defining what is aligned. Canning Town was in many ways aligned but in my opinion was mis-targeted. However it did move the discussion of the climate emergency back onto the news after the media ignored us in October. So my first conclusion is that an autonomous movement such as we have now is going to inevitably experience events like that and we just need to say how we feel about them. “That didn’t feel good to me and even though the guys that did it had their hearts in the right place and they acted within our principles, I don’t think it was the right thing to do. How do you feel yourself about the climate change emergency and how we can get the message out there?” That way we acknowledge our concerns and mistakes and we are transparent and we use the opportunity to include someone we are talking to.
My second conclusion is that we will never control some of the stuff like the posters and it is a waste of effort trying and to use the conversation to do the same job as I described above. To fight back on this issue is unproductive.
Louis · Thu 26 Mar 2020 6:48PM
I am welcome to ideas following this thread