
New domains fsci.in and ilug.in

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 189

We settled for fsci.org.in and ilug.org.in earlier because .in was not available. Recently they became available and we registered both. As with all domains, community members sponor the registration cost. Please reply if you'd like to sponsor it. 450 rupees is the first year cost of each domain. Also if you'd like to help in migrtaing the services to new domain, please reply.


shine Mon 11 Feb 2019 1:26PM

I can take up the domains as well as the migrations in terms of DNS management.

mysterious.frozen.fire@gmail.com ( mysterious.frozen.fire@gmail.com )


Pirate Praveen Fri 22 Feb 2019 6:02AM

Great! Lets start with registering with a dns service. https://freedns.afraid.org/ is something we decided to try in previous discussions as they support changing DNS via an API required for letsencrypt.org support. Do you have other suggestions? cc @balasankarchelamat


Pirate Praveen Fri 22 Feb 2019 6:03AM

@shine can you sign up at lists.fsci.org.in? We will be using a list there as admins alias for signing up to services.


shine Sat 23 Feb 2019 4:18PM

done. username : shine