2/6/18: Seeding Housing Hacks & Real Estate Unconferences in Boston in 2018
February 6th marks the 3rd Anniversary of Zillow's HackHousing event in Seattle (see photo above). Recognizing the potential for multiple housing hacks and real estate unconferences this year, @ImpactHubBos has invited us to be part of their Open Project Night tomorrow at 50 Milk St in Boston: We'll use the occasion to learn what we can from four previous events:
- Zillow's HackHousing: Seattle, Feb 2015
- #RE2020 unconference it inspired at @ImpactHubBOS in April 2016:
- REBarCampBoston in Sept 2014. Although NOT confirmed, there is talk of another REBarCampBoston in June:
- Finally, this "bombshell" was announced last week: The DOJ & FTC will host an Anti-Trust Workshop on the Real Estate Industry sometime this Spring and we'll talk about the implications tomorrow night, too:
• What to bring
Your ideas for ways to collaborate to cocreate a money-saving real estate ecosystem capable of delivering BILLIONS annually in consumer savings by the year 2020.
• Important to know
#RE2020 hopes to produce a series of events before the National Association of Realtors hosts their 1st conference ever in Boston this Fall, Nov. 2-5, 2018. If you'd like to help please join http://RE2020.Loomio.org. To be interviewed for our podcast or volunteer, please let us know via [email protected]
Cross-posting from MeetUp:
Bill Wendel · Fri 21 Sep 2018 8:47PM
Instead of organizing our own hackathons and unconferences this year, RE2020 has piggybacked on others. YIMBYtown, a national conference that is trying to increase the supply of housing, is including unconference sessions in the 2nd day of their event, (tomorrow, 9/22/18). Their formal deadline for submissions is 4:30pm TODAY but my guess is that they'd be willing to consider late proposals::
Should RE2020 use Loomio to share our own unconference sessions? With housing events this weekend in three different locations in New England, my guess is that RE2020 could do a "pop-up" unconference before some of those experts, including @rainescohen1, travel back to their home states. If nothing else, should we meet somewhere for #REonTap -- Real Estate on Tap?
Housing events this weekend in Boston / New England:
CoHousing New England
Taxing Luxury Real Estate
Blockchain / AI Hack: Smart Homes Challenge
Location available upon request