What organisations should CCANZ approach?

CCANZ relies quite heavily on partnerships with like-minded organisations. I suspect that there are many more of these organisations out there, that we haven't yet approached
Which organisations should CCANZ approach to:
- offer workshops or other outreach resources?
- quietly suggest that they use CC for their copyright works?
- develop more substantial partnerships?
I'd love to hear any suggestions.

Matt McGregor Wed 27 Nov 2013 8:36PM
Hey @cathyaronson, as to levels of partnership: anything and everything, Since the beginning, just about every project we've been involved in -- from CC in schools and Mix & Mash to the recent open textbook project -- has been in partnership with other like-minded groups. The more of these groups we develop relationships with, the better, I reckon.
Contacting NZMC is a great idea. I'll email Simon now (his business card has been haunting my desk since Survive and Thrive) and see what resources or joint workshops we could provide.
Re the website, there isn't a list of loose -- or simply non-financial -- partnerships at present. The partners page was produced to advertise the financial partnership with INZ, but we haven't taken it further. Should we? Is there scope for formalising those sorts of relationships?

Matt McGregor Tue 3 Dec 2013 12:52AM
@cathyaronson Quick update: NZ Music Commission are still thinking about their sessions for 2014, and will keep CC involved for any that are copyright related.
Helen Baxter Tue 3 Dec 2013 3:49AM
You could also try approaching Indies.co.nz to reach the smaller labels and Luke from Disasteradio suggests Audio Foundation and Soundz.

Danyl Strype Tue 4 Feb 2014 11:24AM
I've mentioned APRA in another thread, and I think it would be a coup to win a truce with them, even a cautious one at first.

Danyl Strype Tue 4 Feb 2014 11:27AM
Is there scope for formalising those sorts of relationships?
I think you answered this question yourself Matt, when you said
Since the beginning, just about every project we’ve been involved in – from CC in schools and Mix & Mash to the recent open textbook project – has been in partnership with other like-minded groups.
I think it behooves us to recognise the roles many other organisations have played in supporting the spread of CC in Aotearoa so far. So long as they do not object to being listed as partners. Presumably they'd give us a link and a plug on their site in reciprocation, which doesn't hurt our cred either. We've still got a long way to go before we become cool outside the geek community.

Matt McGregor Wed 12 Feb 2014 8:13PM
I like to think we're becoming rather cool in a few other communities, like education and heritage, but I take your point! It's a tricky one, though, with financial partnerships in the mix.
Maybe some terminology could help. So, separate 'Our Partners' -- which would be MBIE, INZ and RSNZ -- from 'Our Friends' -- which would be DigitalNZ et al.
Thanks for the comment, though, and for re-energising the idea.
Cathy Aronson · Mon 25 Nov 2013 5:58AM
Hey Matt, what level of partnership and organisation are we seeking? I see Internet NZ listed on the site or is there another 'partner' page - examples?
I'm thinking of NZ Music Commission (via Simon Woods) and IMNZ. There is a demand - YouTube and Vimeo (which has CC options) etc is actively used for music plus recent NZ On Air Making Tracks funding requirements includes online reach. But there is a need to understand CC. Both orgs actively hold workshops/seminars and have online resource pages.