Use of 1080 in Native Bush
The Ban1080 party put forward a number of arguments against 1080 use during the 2014 election. NZ First MP Richard Prosser has also been taking a prominent stand against aerial 1080 drops:
Should the NZ Pirates take a position in this debate? If so, where does the available evidence lead?
A summary of some of the arguments for and against the use of 1080 in the native bush of Aotearoa:
Danyl Strype Mon 3 Aug 2015 5:44AM
At the end of the day, we may not be able to come to consensus on this, at least not in the short term. That's ok. The party isn't required to have a policy on everything, and it's legitimate to say "it's not a core issue for us, and opinion within the party is divided, so no policy has been formed" or whatever.
What I do ask is that this discussion about 1080 can be reactivated whenever new information comes to hand, or new members have a strong opinion on the subject, without people getting testy. IMO no subject should be taboo here, as long as the discussion stays friendly (as per our almost official Code of Conduct), and evidence-based. The same applies to the conversation about water fluoridation, and any other contentious issue. I believe we can model better democratic deliberation than the adversarial mud-wrestling version of "debate" that Parliament serves up atm.
Rob Ueberfeldt Mon 3 Aug 2015 6:21AM
I think I came over rather abrupt. I think what I mean to say is that I have done the due diligence so that I am comfortable with my position. I am not an expert or a scientist. Much of what I have learned has been through conversation with a couple of people who I respect personally as friends and who I consider to be mega qualified IE they have spent enormous amounts of time in the bush and they have the tertiary qualifications to back what they believe. The Facebook page to which I refer has some good snapshots of similar conversations they and other well qualified people have had.
Fluoride is tricky as you can show excess fluoride in people which makes arguments against it valid to the degree that it is present in the water and the environment. It is possible to get too much fluoride IE babies are are considered to be sensitive and teeth mottling is occurring to a visible degree in the US where fluoride rates are higher then here.
1080 on the other hand has not been shown to be persisting in the environment and there isn't an easy vector to get it into the general population. Likewise I have not heard of anyone doing a blood test and saying hey I have 1080 exposure, even from people using it who face the greatest exposure.
I'm not anti fluoridation to the degree with which we use it in NZ (lower than the US). 1080 I think is less of an issue.
Andrew McPherson Tue 11 Aug 2015 11:23AM
Danyl Strype Wed 12 Aug 2015 3:00PM
@andrewmcpherson this post is off-topic. Please delete it, and post in the Health thread where fluoridation is being discussed.
Rob Ueberfeldt · Sun 2 Aug 2015 10:18AM
Try wikipedia on 1080. Also I did refer to the FB page for 1080. Open forums are often the best place to get info as you can ask questions and get replies, they also hold notes on 1080 does the job you don't which again holds screeds of tests and info. Forest and bird are not the repository for all science that is for sure.