Thu 12 May 2022 10:56AM

Climate Emergency Centre

JR Jen R Public Seen by 175

We're a group of 30 people in Preston, Lancashire who'd like to set up a Climate Emergency Centre in our city. There are many disused, empty department stores (Debenhams, BHS) A previous HMV store now houses a homeless charity (that sells second-hand furniture), as they knew the landlord. As far as I understand, an empty building must pay business rates, so this charity must pay their buisness rates, at a cost of possibly moving out as soon as the landlord (if ever!) decides to sell it.

I am wondering, to develop a Climate Emergency Centre in one of these types of buildings:

how to find out who owns our city's buildings

how to negotiate with landlords

if there a massive grants/funding available to repurpose the building...

Any thoughts from people who have already done this in their towns/cities, will be great!

Much hope!

Jen, Climate Action Preston :)


Carol Mills Thu 12 May 2022 2:47PM

Hi Preston. Great idea. I assume you have this Handbook for setting up Climate Centres?



Carol Mills Thu 12 May 2022 2:48PM

We are wanting to set up a Climate Emergency Centre in Eastbourne


andy Fri 13 May 2022 8:26AM

Zero Carbon Guildford have gone through this process.....just check the web site for many ideas or as many have ask how this works....it needs a group of vols and its rewarding but took us in Guildford time energy and expertise from the different groups that joined together


Carol Mills Fri 13 May 2022 9:55AM

@andy would love to visit Guildford Centre.


kate Sun 15 May 2022 9:37AM

Saw the Zero centre on the Transition Summit . great stuff and a really useful session to watch if youre thinking of setting up a CEC. Together we can summit, Ill try and find the link for this session


kate Sun 15 May 2022 9:38AM

hi Jen in Preston, Im down the road in the Ribble Valley, and Ribble Valley Climate Action Network are talking about this too. It would be really good to hook up with you guys. I can come to Preston or you can come here, or we could zoom . Heres our email address ribblevalleyCAN@gmail.com


Carol Mills Sun 15 May 2022 1:24PM

Thanks for the link @kate Really useful workshop