Sat 9 May 2020 1:00PM
Advice from other grassroots media orgs

Has there been any concerted effort to reach out to other grassroots media orgs to get advice on what does well and best practises, learnings etc?
My first thought is the people at Novara, maybe New Socialist, other things like, JOE, that kind of thing? Seems like they have an interest in helping this start
Iwan Doherty Sun 31 May 2020 6:05PM
Yes it is in the pipeline as Leo mentions. I've written for most of the small left wing outlets so I cna contact them to set stuff up Leo?
Leo Sammallahti · Sat 9 May 2020 9:44PM
We plan to contact The Media Fund cooperative, Novara is one of its members. This list includes a bunch of other specific publications.
One of the dreams I have is to help form a cooperative that consists of cooperatively owned online media publications. The problem is I don't know what could be productive forms of cooperation between the publication, other than sharing advice, ie. what would be the point of the coop of coops :D.
Do you have any connection with any of publications? I'm always open for having a call with anyone interested.